View Full Version : 20 year old car. Can this be wet sanded out or needs a repaint? Also, leather seat tear? Pics included.

04-10-2023, 07:24 AM

first two pictures: wondering if that could be wet sanded out or required a repaint?
third pic is what I think is clear coat damage caused from the sun. Any change that could be fixed or would also require a repaint?
Fourth pic is of the leather seat tear. Could that be fixed/stitched up? Who would I take that to?

This is a 20 year old suv so I’m not trying to make it look perfect nor break the bank but I do want it to look nice but more importantly I don’t want those scrapes to start rusting. I live in New York so you know we get salty winters. Plus I also take the truck on the beach sometimes. I’m not looking to do any of this work myself. I’ll be taking it to someone professional but I’d like to get some opinions first so i have an idea of what I’m looking at. Thanks!

04-10-2023, 07:59 AM
Looking at the scrapes, those look pretty deep and probably hit the primer. Polishing them may make them look better, but likely won't make them disappear. I fixed similar damage after my father-in-law's truck lost an argument with a garage door. The lighter areas polished out and made the deeper areas less noticable. As deep as they look, I'm not sure you'd gain anything by wet sanding.

The fender picture does look like clear coat failure, especially what looks like peeling in the far left edge of the picture. I think a respray will be the only way to fix that one.

04-10-2023, 06:38 PM
Think the scrapes could be wet stand/buff/polished and then use touch up paint? I’m not trying to break the bank, just make it less noticeable and protect from rust.

Sizzle Chest
04-10-2023, 07:48 PM
I would compound/polish/correct first and see where that takes you. You may very well be surprised at how big of a difference it can make.

As for the clear failure, you won't be able to fix that, that area needs to be repainted...and I say, that if you can live with it, just deal with it until more starts to fail. (which it will)

And I think you can wind up with a good/nice looking/better looking truck/suv afterwards and you can use it as you wish without worry!