View Full Version : A few quesitons?

Excessive Detail
07-20-2006, 08:40 PM
1.What type of applicators do you guyz prefer to use for waxes and sealants, Ive been using those rectangular blue mf pads they sell in threes at AG, what do you think is the best and safest?

2.My cars been clean for a while, but I started noticing a few little specs, probably from the road work they have been doing, so I spot clayed with dp, should I wait till I have to do the entire car or is spot claying fine, also won't pinn ultra poly not take off any sealants or waxes when using it compared to other clays.

3.I was reading about klasse sg, it says it can help prevent scratches and chips, what do you guyz think, will just any normal sealant do the same or does the fact that klasse is an acrylic sealant make a difference, I use this stuff on everything, wheels, plastics, windows, chrome, you name it.

4.I've been using ssr 1 or xmt 1 as a prewax cleaner for my basic detail packages, basically I clay, paint clean, no swirl removal, then seal, should I use something else, I have AIO, its a little pricey to use on a daily basis?


07-21-2006, 06:55 PM
1.What type of applicators do you guyz prefer to use for waxes and sealants, Ive been using those rectangular blue mf pads they sell in threes at AG, what do you think is the best and safest?

I like the Pinnacle foam applicators, crisp and clean. Micro's seem to be harder to really thin out a sealant.

2.My cars been clean for a while, but I started noticing a few little specs, probably from the road work they have been doing, so I spot clayed with dp, should I wait till I have to do the entire car or is spot claying fine, also won't pinn ultra poly not take off any sealants or waxes when using it compared to other clays.

Ultra clay from Pinnacle is fine to use sporatically. I would likely recoat if using a wax, but should not harm a sealant. A little Poorboys Bug Squash in your foam gun also works wonders on harder spots.

3.I was reading about klasse sg, it says it can help prevent scratches and chips, what do you guyz think, will just any normal sealant do the same or does the fact that klasse is an acrylic sealant make a difference, I use this stuff on everything, wheels, plastics, windows, chrome, you name it.

Most sealants offer some protection from swirls, but very little in the scheme of things. Klasse twins are quite bulletproof to elements, more so than any other sealant. Z lasts longer, but I see no doo-doo etching or even minor watermarks when the twins are on the finish.

4.I've been using ssr 1 or xmt 1 as a prewax cleaner for my basic detail packages, basically I clay, paint clean, no swirl removal, then seal, should I use something else, I have AIO, its a little pricey to use on a daily basis?

SSR and XMT are polishes , very light ones, so it appears you are claying ... polishing .... and sealing. Fine deal, but when you get more swirls or deeper markings you will need to step it up.

Excessive Detail
07-23-2006, 08:43 PM
Thanks alot man, you people are awesome.