View Full Version : Best odor eliminator in bulk. Seems Meguiars stopped making theirs

02-13-2023, 10:05 PM
I used to buy the Meguiars odor eliminator by the gallon. It worked decently but was nothing special other than the price. Is there anything similar to buy in bulk that works at removing smoke smell or any other bad smells in the vehicle? I have an ozone machine but would like to use it sparingly as I understand it can damage the vehicle if used too much.
Thanks in advance

02-14-2023, 09:04 PM
I think Blackfire has an odor eliminator.

bill walsh
02-15-2023, 09:01 AM
poor boys also works great

02-26-2023, 04:14 PM
I had squirrels make a nest in my moms car (under the hood) and the smell just hasn't gone away. The techs that cleaned up the car (and fixed the wiring) washed down the engine bay but somehow made the inside smell worse inside :( I've cleaned the interior a couple times but its still there, esp when its really hot out.
Any suggestions for hopefully getting rid of the smell for good?!

bill walsh
02-26-2023, 09:05 PM
check heater blower motor i had a ford van that had grass that had a burning in it every time heater was on

02-27-2023, 06:38 PM
I used to buy the Meguiars odor eliminator by the gallon. It worked decently but was nothing special other than the price. Is there anything similar to buy in bulk that works at removing smoke smell or any other bad smells in the vehicle? I have an ozone machine but would like to use it sparingly as I understand it can damage the vehicle if used too much.
Thanks in advance

I have a friend that does it for a business. He has a bunch of car dealer accounts, for the trade ins. He has all commercial ones but suggested this one will do the trick well!
Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/?coliid=I1CY33MSJLXJTC&colid=SVO1M1JBY9NE&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it)
Would like to have on at some point.