View Full Version : Argh!!!!! What is wrong with people?!

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07-20-2006, 07:33 PM
Oh man is my blood boiling!!!!! I cannot wait for my neighbors to finally sell their house and move!!!! They are not rude people, in fact, they are very nice church going people. But they are some of the most "no common sense, lack of social grace, downright trailer park" people that I have ever met.

I keep my yard immaculate. Just like my cars, I've learned to keep a well maintained lawn and landscape. We don't have any fences. I don't mind that their kids run thru my yard playing tag or hide and seek. But keep them the hell out of the flower beds! :mad: Why is that so freakin' hard to understand!

Their kids ride their bikes on the sidewalk in front of my house. However, unlike all the other kids that do so, they feel the need to ride more than halfway into my 2 car length driveway and turn around...mind you they are sometimes inches away from my cars. Why?!

Now..this evening...after weeks of finally getting my cars all polished up, waxed, and just right, I look out my window and see their *&#$^%$@# cat sitting on my roof. The cat is NOT declawed. Why isn't it declawed you may ask? Because the wife adopts these strays BUT DOESN'T TAKE THEM INSIDE. So..in order for the cats to defend themselves, they are not declawed!



If I was a nasty SOB who didn't care about being friendly to all my neighbors, I would really call animal control and complain. I'll say something to them but it just infuriates me that even have to in the first place!:mad::mad::mad:

07-20-2006, 07:38 PM
I went out to check my mail one day and one man and two teenage boys were throwing a football in the parking lot. They were probably about I don't know 30 or more feet away from each other and throwing the football with everything they had. It was just smashing into the cars in the lot. I started yelling at them to stop and they just kept on throwing it and then they hit my car and I said that they better go somewhere else and play football or I was gonna call the cops! They finally left! I feel your pain emaxxman. I have some neighbors that are total losers too! :(

07-20-2006, 07:57 PM
Before I bought my house, we had an apartment that shared a stairwell with 3 other apartments. The one family used to leave their garbage bags (I mean really smelly kitchen waste) in the hallway overnight instead of running it to the dumpster. One hot summer day, it leaked and stunk up the entire stairwell for weeks. It was god awful. Building management had to finally intervene. Some people are real idiots.

07-20-2006, 07:57 PM
I have a set of less than courtious neighbors. Several years ago after complaining to them about their daughters boyfriends burning out on the swale when leaving, they decided to add those cement buggers to "their" swale. Now every idiot that visits parks on my swale even though there visiting them. (Needless to say I use my sprinklers quite liberally)

So when one of their cats (outside) considered leaving several presents on my doorstep , well enough was enough. No leash laws with cats, but local dog catcher would drive by on demand and if outside without tags it was toast. Damn thing knew to hide ... must have smelled them coming. So the next step was to get a cage and a .50 can of tuna. WHAM !! First night, caught that sucker in my backyard. Can you say "pound" .... to this day they thought it ran away. Call it mean ... I can it survival of the fittest.

07-20-2006, 08:12 PM
In my line of business, the things I've seen makes me wonder if humans are literally born dumb. I've had to explain things as simple as if I were talking to a kid in elementary school, yet they still don't get it. "I don't understand why my credit is so bad, hmmmm...could be the 10+ pages of collections". "Well those lates shouldm't count, we'll pay them when we want to"....ummmmm ok lol.

For some reason people seem to think mortgages are easy, I know my sh!t and can structure extremely tough deals like one investment property right now that nobody was able to do so far. If anything it's harder for me since I have to compete with the bs/lying order takers (don't even consider them Loan Officers or Brokers) who call like crazy after I pull credit. One of my clients received a Good Faith from another company today, he didn't understand everything even after explaining what each section is for and where the funds for each go. He was just going by what he other guy said, excellent rate, escrows included etc. Friggen escrows weren't even on there when he faxed it to me to check, and the rate was ridiculously low for the program and situation, most fees were left out, never mind the pre-pay penalty he has courtesy of lovely Ameriquest. Simple bait and switch tactic. But if your a client and get to the closing and see way different numbers, guess what his excuse will be "it was just that a Good Faith Estimate" . Sadly they get away with the crap.

I gots to edumacate people all day long;):D

People want to hear and believe what they know isn't true. Scott (Killr) is in the Financial industry as well, I'm sure he agrees with that lol.

Guess my neighbors are cool though, don't have problems. Just that if were driving in and out and see poeple walking or whatever we'll give a wave. They look at you like your retarded. Think I'm going to start giving them the finger in a waving motion, let's see their reaction:D

07-20-2006, 08:18 PM
It is just wrong to let cats roam outside. Many people think that cats are supposed to be outside but it is dangerous out there! Besides other animals there are cars and apparently killrwheels setting traps!

If you want a pet you have to take care of it. The cat killr trapped hopefully went to a better home.

As far as the other complaints on this thread go, well, it just gives more reasons as to why I am a misanthrope.

07-20-2006, 08:20 PM
I used to work with a guy who was the same age as me and I know we made almost the same salary (programmers at the position and level.) I was supporting, at the time, a family of 3 (me, wife, daughter) on ~$40k a year.

This guy supported only himself, had no student or auto loans to pay back, shared an apartment and rent with another friend, and could not pay off his credit card to save his life...of course that is pretty difficult to do when you have over $20k in credit card debt. He saw something he liked, he charged it.

I remember he used to take the ~$2k tax refund he used to get every year and just spend it on stuff. He said it was a tradition in his family to "treat yourself" with your refund. Of course he was paying over $500 in minimum credit card payments.

He couldn't understand how I could support a family without any credit card debt. :rolleyes:

07-20-2006, 08:23 PM
It is just wrong to let cats roam outside. Many people think that cats are supposed to be outside but it is dangerous out there! Besides other animals there are cars and apparently killrwheels setting traps!

If you want a pet you have to take care of it. The cat killr trapped hopefully went to a better home.

As far as the other complaints on this thread go, well, it just gives more reasons as to why I am a misanthrope.

I should mention that this is the second "outdoor" cat that they have. The first was this massive, orange, "Garfield" of a cat. It disappeared one day. They don't know where it went to this day.

Up here in northwest NJ where I live, at night you have to be wary of black bear, foxes, and other small predators at night. None are really dangerous to humans...but they would have no problem making a snack out of a cat. I also live by a very busy street. That cat ended up as roadkill or a snack.

07-20-2006, 08:28 PM
Guess my neighbors are cool though, don't have problems. Just that if were driving in and out and see poeple walking or whatever we'll give a wave. They look at you like your retarded. Think I'm going to start giving them the finger in a waving motion, let's see their reaction:D

The 3 other neighbors I have all have multiple pets. I have yet to see any unleashed. My other next door neighbor has 3 kids. They ride their bikes in front of my house all the time. The second the oldest son turns in my driveway, the father is on him to not do it and keep away from the cars. It's not that I'm some kind of neighborhood bully...they are just more mindful of other people's property. These 3 neighbors are the ideal neighbors. It's the 4th that is driving me nuts and I unfortunately, live next to him.

Oh...I should mention that in order to sell their house, these "trailer park" neighbors of mind decided to dig up and kill the poison ivy they had growing along our property line. He takes Roundup herbicide and just sprays it everywhere. I now have a giant brown spot on my completely immaculate, weed free lawn. &$^#)$& idiot!!!!

07-20-2006, 08:54 PM
I now have a giant brown spot on my completely immaculate, weed free lawn. &$^#)$& idiot!!!![/quote]

I would make him buy you some plugs or sod! When you do something that's wrong(accidental or otherwise), try to make it right!!!

07-20-2006, 08:57 PM
Just that if were driving in and out and see poeple walking or whatever we'll give a wave. They look at you like your retarded. Think I'm going to start giving them the finger in a waving motion, let's see their reaction:D[/quote]

I've got those neighbors too! Bastards can't wave when you wave at them? I just stopped waving! Now they probably are wondering "what's wrong with our neighbor?"......idiots!

07-20-2006, 09:25 PM
Are these your neighbors?

07-20-2006, 09:27 PM
Are these your neighbors?

I've got a few of those too!! lol

07-20-2006, 09:30 PM
I should have saved that picture and posted it as my upcoming wedding photo, you guys woulda fell for it!

07-20-2006, 09:32 PM
I should have saved that picture and posted it as my upcoming wedding photo, you guys woulda fell for it!

Are you SURE that's not you Scooter?;)