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12-30-2022, 11:02 AM
I was looking forward to 10 days of bliss. Believe you me, it's been anything but!! Started when I got in Friday night. -7 temps. Felt off kilter. Chills and no energy. But no fever. Guessing it might have been the cold temps and weather related? This passed Thursday. Good. Traded it for another issue! Some info first. I have been having some right knee issues for some time. Minor pain. Never missed any work over it. Put it down as minor arthritis. I have a physical job. Pulling loaded pallets all day with a pallet jack. Why the right knee? Came to me I pull them out at an angle with the force on my right knee. Makes sense. Occasionally would wear a compression knee brace at work. Thursday went to the dealer to check out a Silverado ZR2. Just wanted to sit in it. No nerf bars. So, it was a little step up. Did not feel anything weird. Got home and wanted to wash the truck. Put my knee brace on. Some ice in the driveway so i was careful. By the time I was done that knee was singing like a choir! Did i tweak it out there? I could barely, walk last night, had to hobble. Did the usual cold and hot, pills and cream treatment before bed. Not much better today. So, time to have this finally checked out! Appt. today at 3PM. With my doctor. Get to the bottom of it! Not even close to how I expected to feel this vacation! With any hope I can salvage the next 3 days. I am back to work Tuesday, if I can even go? Thanks, if you read this far. The best laid plans never come out as planned do they! In hindsight I should have stayed home Thursday and not washed the truck!

12-30-2022, 11:56 AM
sounds like my kind of luck

12-30-2022, 01:36 PM
Sorry for your pain/issues. Sucks don’t it!

12-30-2022, 05:16 PM
I can relate... While I was still working full-time, I would get time off at Christmas/New Years, typically 10-12 days or so. One year I was planning to rebuild the engine in one of my GTO's and wouldn't you know it, I got sick with a really bad flu for 6 or 7 of those days off. That was sometime in the 1990s. The good news is that I haven't been that sick since... Nothing worse than a common cold.

And as for your knee, I'm going through a shoulder issue right now that sucks. I went to an orthopedic shoulder specialist this morning for a cortisone injection, but after his examination he suspects a torn ligament. If that is the case, the injection will do no good, so we skipped it. Now I need to go back next Friday for an MRI so that he can make a certain diagnosis. If a torn ligament is the final diagnosis, surgery is the only remedy.

12-30-2022, 05:24 PM
Sorry to hear your vacation has turned into anything but a vacation. I do similar work as you. Drive a Tractor trailer for Coca Cola. Unload shrink wrapped pallets with a power pallet jack. Feel better.

12-30-2022, 05:39 PM
All I could hear was "Born Under a Bad Sign" by Cream as I was reading this. ;)

Hope your knee gets better, man.

12-30-2022, 07:49 PM
Doctor also thinks arthritic. His hands on tests revealed nothing bad. Prescribed MELOXICAM for the pain. And suggested VOLTAREN arthritis pain gel as one the best. Did take x-rays that i will know the results Tuesday. Honestly think it's the J O B after 15 years.

bill walsh
12-30-2022, 07:54 PM
Get better PA Detailer take care of that knee i need 2 knee replacements

12-30-2022, 08:27 PM
I really think it's time for a B E E R.

12-31-2022, 01:20 AM
Ugh on the vacation plans. If it wasn’t for bad luck you would have no luck at all. Make the best out of it. At least it has warmed up in SE PA for some yard work n detailing this weekend

Big Dave
12-31-2022, 01:28 AM
I'm also on a 10 day break, my first significant break since joining this company just over a year ago. I think it's helped me make up my mind to look for something else. It's a reasonably small family owned business that likes to do things their own way. There are some safety issues I'm not happy with, really old equipment, "customised" forklifts etc. They just don't seem to have their priorities straight. The pay is reasonable, but I'm on my feet all day at a packing bench, packing everything from sump plug washers to whole suspension kits, leaf springs included, so I have a sore back at the end of every day. Weekends are good for recovery, but I'm often too tired to enjoy my hobbies. Getting old I guess.

Occasionally I get some knee issues, nothing as bad as yours sounds. It usually begins when I change direction with too much weight on my right knee, it will "click" out of alignment, and be tight and uncomfortable for a couple of days. Then I'll somehow reverse it, it will "click" again, and it's back in alignment again, and the pain and tightness is gone.

No solutions, sorry. Do what you need to do, to get through it.

I also buy a lottery ticket every week, tonight's draw is 40 Million.

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12-31-2022, 01:56 PM
... Getting old I guess...

It sucks getting old. I'll be 70 this year (2023) and every joint in my body hurts at one time or another. And it is certainly not from inactivity... I exercise 5 days a week (45 minutes or so) and am generally active every day.

My knees almost always hurt, especially after working on all fours and/or squatting, like when polishing lower panels. Same with my hips and lower back.

I'm currently dealing with a potential torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder... Having an MRI next Friday so we'll see what that shows. The x-rays have so far shown the shoulder to be "worn out" as the doctor described it. The cartilage in the joint is about 80% gone. I wonder what caused that wear... Could it be all the automotive painting and hand sanding I've done throughout the years? I wonder.

In the meantime, I just keep plugging along, pushing on through as best I can. Just this past week I was up on my roof replacing some shingles that were blown off during a crazy windstorm we had about a month ago. Monday I'll be starting a full paint correction and exterior detailing of a full-size GMC truck.

So yeah! Getting old sucks. But it sure beats the alternative, at least 'til this point. The aches and pains get a little worse with each passing year, but I'll keep doing whatever I can for as long as I can... And my plan is that that is until the day I check out.

Flash Gordon
01-01-2023, 02:13 PM
Sorry to hear bud. I fell off of a land cruiser back in March and nearly tore my shoulder out of socket. Suffered for several months. Had a orthopedic surgeon customer volunteer to do the surgery for free this Winter. Fortunately after around 6 months it healed itself.
What you need to do is drink more water

01-02-2023, 02:31 PM
Well sadly that's a wrap! Back to work tomorrow. Overall, despite the drama, I still enjoyed the time off. Appears the 2 things I am doing for the knee are helping. Did the truck today without issue. Real test will be work tomorrow.

Big Dave
01-02-2023, 08:21 PM
I'm at work now, resignation letter in my bag, waiting for the best time to hand it in. Never done this before, at my previous job they knew months in advance I was leaving. Nothing that's happening here today is changing my mind.

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