View Full Version : Hype and more HYPE! Every new coating gets press and then more press now it's Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light!

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12-29-2022, 04:02 AM
EVO then MOHS and UK 3.0 and now CQUARTZ SIC then SIC PRO. And now Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light ( Just like the PRO's use ) eughh!! Sign me up I'll take 100ml.

I am now getting it and why allot of people are so disgusted with this trend:buffing:

12-29-2022, 06:09 AM
I'm not getting it dude lol They are all different but still do similar things.

Get on facebook if you want to see hype lol Literally hundreds of coatings on the market the last 3 or 4 years.

12-29-2022, 06:56 AM
For a lot of people trying out new products is a lot of fun. I'm not sure if I would say "hype". There are guys on bf jockeying this Icon Rock stuff and they're annoying as hell. What they do I consider HYPE! Someone asks a question and here they come like the calvary at dawn to strike.

I learned a good lesson when I bought as many of the top line polish families as I could. That was to pick one that checked as many of the boxes as possible and then learn all of it's ins and outs. Thise helped me speed up my process and become more confident with what I can do with it.

I did this with each category of my LSP choices too. I have one wax, sealant, and coating that I have targeted for consistent, default use. My intention is to pay attention to the others as needed and not pay money unless I want to seriously consider making a change.

As a result I have a "pick one and look at the rest" approach to my set up.


12-29-2022, 07:05 AM
I should of worded it differn't I should of not used reference to hype. Because I know they work and are this generations answer to paint protection by a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG SHOT! But what I really mean is the ban wagon of press and marketing. It just gets old. There all splitting hairs. But at what length? Everyone's is the best! And don't buy coatings unless you buy ours or have them installed by me!
Why You Shouldn't Get A Ceramic Coating - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1oEKHCAABA)

12-29-2022, 07:15 AM
Just my opinion but i'm not a fan of Chicago Auto Pro's. Most of his stuff is very contrived. He might be successful but he's not my cup of tea. I stopped watching him probably a year ago now.

12-29-2022, 07:18 AM
For a lot of people trying out new products is a lot of fun. I'm not sure if I would say "hype". There are guys on bf jockeying this Icon Rock stuff and they're annoying as hell. What they do I consider HYPE! Someone asks a question and here they come like the calvary at dawn to strike.

I learned a good lesson when I bought as many of the top line polish families as I could. That was to pick one that checked as many of the boxes as possible and then learn all of it's ins and outs. Thise helped me speed up my process and become more confident with what I can do with it.

I did this with each category of my LSP choices too. I have one wax, sealant, and coating that I have targeted for consistent, default use. My intention is to pay attention to the others as needed and not pay money unless I want to seriously consider making a change.

As a result I have a "pick one and look at the rest" approach to my set up.


I'm not getting it dude lol They are all different but still do similar things.

Get on facebook if you want to see hype lol Literally hundreds of coatings on the market the last 3 or 4 years.

Just my opinion but i'm not a fan of Chicago Auto Pro's. Most of his stuff is very contrived.

I'm throwing him out!!! of what pisses me off!!!!! He is one of the only guy's that has so many subs and I never clicked:buffing:

12-29-2022, 07:30 AM
I should of worded it differn't I should of not used reference to hype. Because I know they work and are this generations answer to paint protection by a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG SHOT! But what I really mean is the ban wagon of press and marketing. It just gets old. There all splitting hairs. But at what length? Everyone's is the best! And don't buy coatings unless you buy ours or have them installed by me!
Why You Shouldn't Get A Ceramic Coating - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1oEKHCAABA)

I hear ya.

I literally have to tune those voices out. And I do. A guy could go broke chasing the dragon with coatings.

I was very reluctant to even enter the coating game. I was overwhelmed with choices and didn't want to add a procedure that was going to be difficult or involved. Turns out it's wasn't that bad, and the coating I chose back then was a breeze to apply. I'm actually back to that being my only coating as I've given away my others.

12-29-2022, 08:13 AM
I'm also happy with the few I've used and just recently bought the Gyeon prism plus. Looking forward to trying it on this Mercedes I've been working on. I still want to do 1 more finishing on it. It is 90% perfect but with the light it still shows very minor wide webs. If I'm describing that right. There super far apart and not many of them.

12-29-2022, 02:04 PM
Maybe I'm not seeing CSL all of a sudden in the lime light, it's been out for quite a while (years).
If anything, it was years ago when it was hyped up. Chicago Auto Pros and Obsessed Garage both seemed to talk it up.

I do agree there seems to be the 'flavor of the month' when it comes to coatings....what ever happened to graphine?

I've stopped watching CAP due to nothing really interesting anymore, other than the 'real life' product comparison (which i take with a grain of salt).
I also stopped watching Obsessed Garage, mainly because of his (mono) tone.

I did use CSL+EXOV4 on my Golf R almost 3 years ago. The 2 above 'tubers' were an influence on that decision, but I don't have any regrets. Car turned out fantastic (mostly thanks to this forum and my first attempt at paint correction).
More recently, I used Cquartz SiC because I could get a small (10ml) bottle of it.

Now, my go-to is Griots 3-in-1 because it seems to be decently durable and it only takes 15 minutes to reapply. I don't have a lot of spare time these days.

12-29-2022, 03:20 PM
I should of worded it differn't I should of not used reference to hype. Because I know they work and are this generations answer to paint protection by a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG SHOT! But what I really mean is the ban wagon of press and marketing. It just gets old. There all splitting hairs. But at what length? Everyone's is the best! And don't buy coatings unless you buy ours or have them installed by me!
Why You Shouldn't Get A Ceramic Coating - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1oEKHCAABA)

I love TRC, but they're pretty notorious hyping things up a lot.

This is an industry. The goal is to make money and help people but money is a huge motivator. The goal is to separate people from their dollars. I do the same, but just know that when we consume the chosen media that we are sometimes being sold something.

It was like the time I was drinking a lot of beer. The more I drank, the more I wanted to drink inappropriately. I wanted to run home between drum lessons and have a beer. So I stopped buying it. (My Dad and Grandpa were alcoholics). Similar things happened to me when watching these detailing elated videos. I want to try this out, try that out, and everything in between. I still can watch, but I have know that I could be being sold on something.

12-29-2022, 05:42 PM
If I were to want advice on a new coating, I would log into AGO and PM someone that I have read hundreds and hundreds of posts and reviews from.

(And I have done this........)

Screw YT. ;)

12-29-2022, 06:08 PM
I agree, if I want to see what someone thinks of a product I usually end up here and see what users like The Guz, Coatingsarecrack or Klasse Act likes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-29-2022, 06:51 PM
I agree, if I want to see what someone thinks of a product I usually end up here and see what users like The Guz, Coatingsarecrack or Klasse Act likes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Michael and Roger, yes.

But I have my doubts about that Crackhead...............:laughing::laughing:

12-29-2022, 07:14 PM
Maybe I'm not seeing CSL all of a sudden in the lime light, it's been out for quite a while (years).
If anything, it was years ago when it was hyped up. Chicago Auto Pros and Obsessed Garage both seemed to talk it up.

To me anyway, it seems the heyday of ‘New’ coatings promising revolutionary changes was 2 or 3 years ago. If ya wanted to try something new back then there were plenty of new things to try…not so much in the last 12 months or so.

Gyeon dropped their EVO line about this time last year but aside from that & perhaps the Diamond Pro Tech, what has been a big splash in the ‘glass bottle’ coating space?

Incremental changes to known players have taken place but 2 or 3 years ago someone was promising the latest & greatest every month or so. Graphene was a blip on the radar for a year but has so far, IMO, not proven to be functionally relevant in any tangible way…which hasn’t stopped it from being noted in everything from tire shine to glass cleaner.

Even the incremental changes seem more focused on user-friendly characteristics as opposed to marked functional changes/improvements. Maybe the technology has reached its limits w regards to true practical performance??

I see more attention given these days to the latest and greatest spray ‘coating’.

If I was looking for 2 or 3 ‘new to me’ coatings to try this year I’d be hard pressed to find ones that really piqued my interest; 3 years ago it seemed that was never an issue.

12-29-2022, 07:25 PM
I am just going through what you all did a few years ago since I just dove in head first back into it after a looooonnnng hiatus. So I’m reliving what everyone went through and it pisses me off now! I can imagine what it was like then if your saying it has settled down now for the most part.