View Full Version : Over spray

04-24-2008, 07:32 AM
i'm doing a detail on a show truck and noticed over spray on the whole truck. i've clay bar'd the truck three times and that got about half of it off. i'm using XMT #2 because the swirls and scratches aren't that bad. question is is there anyway to get the rest of the over spray off short of using a rotory buffer(which i don't have and have never used before). thanks for the input

04-24-2008, 07:45 AM
You may have to go to a more aggressive clay...the mild clays will not get all overspray off...now a more agressive clay will cause some marring also...sometimes a polishing will get the overspray..but it depends on the adhesion of the overspray...if its on good the polish may just burnish it to a point....3M..Megs and Claymagik and AG sell a more agressive clay for body shop type use...it will remove the over spray..but you will have to polish out the marring it may create....


David Fermani
04-24-2008, 07:53 AM
It really depends on the type of overspray that's on there. On most overspray jobs I do where lacquer thinner or clay doesn't cut through it quick, I'll step up to a 4000 grit sandpaper. If you go this route, you'll most likely be required to use a light polish AND a rotary. So, I really think you're at a fork in the road. In addition, it's not wise to use a rotary in itself (with product) to remove overspray/contaminants. You need a clean surface prior to buffing or you'll induce unnecessary swirling and/or marring from the contaminants being trapped in the pad while they are being removed.

04-24-2008, 08:08 AM
well i think i'll give the owner the "bad" news. on the third clay i used a fairly agressive clay thats why i'm polishing with the XMT #2 because of the maring. i plan on getting a rotory but until i get some practice with one on some wrecked finders and hoods i won't be using one. thanks for the feedback.