View Full Version : Applied product deterioration - Age or The Elements?

Honda Fan
11-03-2022, 08:52 AM
I've noticed that a lot of products are touting their "life expectancy" i.e "This should last 6 months" etc. Are these estimates based on age or expected/average exposure to the elements? In other words, would the paint protectant break down over time regardless if the car is a garage queen? I realize that they would break down faster if exposed to the elements, I'm just curious if they maintain their protection longer if properly cared for or if they break down due to time?

11-03-2022, 09:50 AM
If the car is a garage queen, you’d likely be able to get the life being touted. But for a car exposed to the elements 24/7, you can cut most product estimates in half. But you can help the products last longer by washing often (once every 1-2 weeks), maintenance washing every few months, and by using a topper product to give a sacrificial layer. But to answer your question directly, it is usually due to the elements not age. Horizontal surfaces where crud lays down will sometimes not last as long if allowed to collect. Areas behind the wheels and lower on the car will also often fail first due to road grime and things coming off the tire.

Some coatings and other products do last the time they say but those are few and far between. Which products are you considering so we can give specific advice? For sealants, we’d usually say apply more often and you’ll be fine. For a coating, maintenance is key.

Honda Fan
11-03-2022, 10:41 AM
Thanks! I know it was a bit of a weird question and I probably already knew the answer but I was just sitting here thinking about it and wondering. I will be posting again in another thread as to my projected routine and suggestions for products. I'm just going to put it all together in 1 thread rather than spread it out all over the place.