View Full Version : I've been flying blind - no depth meter

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Lance Mark
10-13-2022, 04:03 PM
If I did damage to someone's paint because i went through, I'm a pretty good guy...ya know...pay my taxes, brake for squirrels....I'd make it right.

I know this may sound naive....but I was thinking....wow...some of these more advanced guys really seem to go all out with sophisticated devices for measuring clear coat thickness. I was looking at it as a someday, maybe, but probably can get by without.

Its not really a question of if, because I'm sold on the value, and the headache it could help me avoid, but is this something I should consider sooner than later? Is it a basic tool even a side hustler should have?

Thanks for the advice and your take on these meters. Also open to product suggestions if anyone has any. :)

10-13-2022, 04:07 PM
Side hustler here. And i have one. It's a great tool to have in the box and use it on some jobs.

I don't use it on ALL jobs, only because MOST of what I do is AIO type work, so light polishing at most.

If i suspect panels were painted, or thinning paint, i bring it out. If i'm planning on serious compounding, I bring it out.

Mine, just a cheapie model. It's been very consistent, so i've come to trust it enough to use it

10-13-2022, 05:06 PM
If I did damage to someone's paint because i went through, I'm a pretty good guy...ya know...pay my taxes, brake for squirrels....I'd make it right.

I know this may sound naive....but I was thinking....wow...some of these more advanced guys really seem to go all out with sophisticated devices for measuring clear coat thickness. I was looking at it as a someday, maybe, but probably can get by without.

Its not really a question of if, because I'm sold on the value, and the headache it could help me avoid, but is this something I should consider sooner than later? Is it a basic tool even a side hustler should have?

Thanks for the advice and your take on these meters. Also open to product suggestions if anyone has any. :)

Cheap insurance for around 200 bucks and that's not for just one year. There are many cheaper models out there, but I choose the Hyline Meter II.

10-13-2022, 05:27 PM
If I were working on other's vehicles, I would 100% be using a PTG.

You have to know what you're dealing with before you start.

10-13-2022, 06:28 PM
Cheap insurance for around 200 bucks and that's not for just one year. There are many cheaper models out there, but I choose the Hyline Meter II.

I have that one as well. I realized after I bought it that it's made in china and rebranded under several different names. Because of that, there's a range of prices for what looks to be the same exact tool.

10-13-2022, 09:28 PM
If I did damage to someone's paint because i went through, I'm a pretty good guy...ya know...pay my taxes, brake for squirrels....I'd make it right.

I know this may sound naive....but I was thinking....wow...some of these more advanced guys really seem to go all out with sophisticated devices for measuring clear coat thickness. I was looking at it as a someday, maybe, but probably can get by without.

Its not really a question of if, because I'm sold on the value, and the headache it could help me avoid, but is this something I should consider sooner than later? Is it a basic tool even a side hustler should have?

Thanks for the advice and your take on these meters. Also open to product suggestions if anyone has any. :)

I have never used one. But I feel you posting this is some sort of sign:wow: Now if I screw up it will be purely stupidity on my part. I found this model and it has great reviews. Paint Thickness Gauge TC100 It's only $55 Scratch that. What's another $50 to get a reputable model. NexDiag NexPTG Standard

10-13-2022, 10:07 PM
I've been "flying blind" as you call it for 50+ years and it hasn't bitten me yet.

A good visual inspection of the paint's condition and proceeding accordingly works for me.

10-15-2022, 06:53 PM
You gotta remember these are people that do it for BIG $$, some of them have paint corrections starting @ 2K, these boys arent *#@! around --especially with their reputations at stake. Paying $1500 for a tool to keep you out of trouble would be worth it to me.

Sizzle Chest
10-15-2022, 07:57 PM
I feel that it's a must have tool.

Scenario: You have someone's vehicle in...no PTG. An 'error' is made. A panel needs to be repainted. You 'make it right' and pony up for the repair...

However, it's an original paint vehicle/exotic/semi-exotic/luxury vehicle/or even a daily driver. Now the owner has to deal with a carfax and possible diminished value on the vehicle due to the paint work. Also, if original paint, it is no longer original adversely affecting the value of the vehicle.

You could be opening yourself up to a lawsuit or giant insurance settlement.

Just my 2 cents!

Lance Mark
10-17-2022, 09:19 AM
do you inspect in front of the customer? Make it part of the pitch, do you give them numbers?.....record before and afters?

10-17-2022, 09:46 AM
do you inspect in front of the customer? Make it part of the pitch, do you give them numbers?.....record before and afters?

100% I wouldn't touch a car without a PTG and a proper inspection. I do one before the clean-up that the owner signs, and it also acknowledges that I'll do a second one post-clean-up as dirt often hides a lot. I also note that even on brand new vehicles, I find "something" in nearly every case. I set those expectations based on my experience. I find scratches, dings, paint inperfections, etc., all the time.

10-17-2022, 11:30 AM
You could be opening yourself up to a lawsuit or giant insurance settlement.

Not to mention your reputation, and believe me- it will get around

Sizzle Chest
10-17-2022, 06:27 PM
I don't do it in front of my clients all the time. However, I do record/notate and send them the numbers.

10-17-2022, 11:06 PM
I feel bad Lance that this had to happen to you:( On a side note you may have saved others from making the same mistake. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on one today!

10-18-2022, 12:22 AM
I feel bad Lance that this had to happen to you:( On a side note you may have saved others from making the same mistake. I went ahead and pulled the trigger on one today!

What happened to him.....:dunno: :confused: