View Full Version : The Sacred Weekend vs. The Side Hustle

Lance Mark
10-10-2022, 11:46 AM
We had beautiful weather here in Michigan so when my customer dropped off this trike on Friday, I told myself I would not touch it until tonight.

The last side job I did ate up a lot of my weekend and I was determined not to touch this and wait. There were cider mills in MI that needed visiting. :)


The fairing is super easy to take off, I told myself, I'll just take off one part...ya know...just get the disassembly started.....I tried to tell myself....Lance....put down the T-27 and take your wife riding....


No way I'm getting to the underside of that rear without some room. Lots to clean under there...


Ahh....much better.....


This is what happens to a nutjob when he decides to just take off one part. Disassembly is complete, cleaning starts tonight. :)

10-10-2022, 02:29 PM
know how you feel brother,lol.

10-10-2022, 04:06 PM
The struggle is real

10-15-2022, 05:06 PM
We all know the feeling. I pulled my dads Jeep around to the front of the garage for a restoration project next year. I thought I’ll just see how hard these seats are gonna be. Next thing I know, I’ve got every seat out, center console out, seatbelts removed and all the carpet cut out.
You’re not alone

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