View Full Version : Did I really mess up?

04-22-2008, 10:10 PM
First let me say how wonderful it has been finding these forums. I have gained so much knowledge in such little time. I really appreciate all the advice that is available.

After recently discovering these forums and reading so many positive comments about DG105, I made the jump and applied it to my truck. Eager to improve the looks further, I applied a coat of S100 a few days later.

Then I began reading more and more about claying and now I'm wondering if I really screwed up. The truck is fairly new, so the finish shouldnt be that bad, but still, there might have been so contaminants that could have been removed.

So, now I'm wondering what to do. Can I clay over the existing finish with a fine grade clay and get good results? Should I clay with a medium grade and reapply sealant and wax?

Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

04-22-2008, 11:10 PM
I wouldn't say you "messed up". Unless there were some serious contaminates that you ended up just pushing around on the surface. Then you probably scratched the paint a little. That's my guess...

"Can I clay over the existing finish with a fine grade clay and get good results? Should I clay with a medium grade and reapply sealant and wax?"

Either clay you will need to reapply sealent and wax. Don't see any reason why you shouldn't get good results with either one. I like the medium grade for stuff like paint overspray and transfer. So I guess the finer one ought to do for you. Curious to know what anyone else thinks about that.

04-23-2008, 08:15 AM
I agree with houseofbunny... you didn't really mess up. I clay my truck once or twice a year, I wax or seal a lot more often, so, towards the end of the claying cycle there are almost certainly contaminates in/on the paint that get waxed/sealed over. Do the baggie test and if you need to clay then do so, then reapply your lsp of choice (or polish if necessary/desired). Depending on how rough the surface feels, choose between a fine and medium grade clay.

04-23-2008, 10:06 AM
This is probably too OCD but I've got to know that my car has been clayed at least once so I'd do it now and reapply LSP. Another good time would be to wait until it's time to strip and re-wax.

04-23-2008, 11:14 AM
No you didn't mess up nor have you caused any damages but your vehicle should be clayed in the future. If you have the motivation to clay it this weekend, go for it, but most likely you'll need to apply the sealant and wax again. Or you can simply wait until you do another detail and clay then. Just because your vehicle is new doesn't mean the finish isn't bad -- check out these pictures of a white Trailblazer that was only a few months old:

Before clay:

After Clay:

04-23-2008, 11:15 AM
I'll comment on another part of your post. I recently spoke with Jerry at DG and he does not suggest topping 105 with a carnuba. He says that most have a degree (although it may be small) of abrasiveness to them and will essentially remove some of the 105 you just applied. His advice of course is to follow 105 with AW after it cures. This is my course of action and I love the results. Food for thought.

04-24-2008, 09:16 PM
See, this is why this forum rocks.

I really appreciate everyones input and timely response. I feel much better. I'm a bit OCD myself and have been feeling a little antsy about not claying before the finish went on. I'm not sure about when I'll clay and reapply, but I'm sure it wont be long.
I was very pleased with the DG alone, although I thought I saw some difference with the S100 topper, but maybe it was just wishful thinking. Thank you for your insight Richy, I was not aware about the caviat regarding the DG.

Anyway, thanks to all that responded, I'll be able to get a decent nights sleep again. :D

Thanks again!