View Full Version : EGO Mini-Me for inside.

09-21-2022, 02:43 AM
I was recalling the one tool that was a must on interiors. But going mobile I would either do without or lug my smaller compressor along.
We brushed then used the fine pressure misting bottles with interior product. Then blast through the front vents driving excess to the back. On Inst. panel etc. we just held a towel around the nozzle.
So I was cruising online and came across a ton of these rechargeable air sprayers. Mainly used on computers but also advertised cars as an option.
After doing a bit more research on Amazon I found the model with the highest ratings. And always the most expensive.
Being there always from China I just examine every detail so I can find the exact one for half the price.
I saw some posted videos demonstrating lowest speed to highest, seemed impressive!
People said it ran for ever on a full charge. And they wouldn't have to buy the disposable canister anymore.
It arrives Thursday so I'll see if it does the trick!


bill walsh
09-21-2022, 06:23 PM
Let us know how it works please

09-21-2022, 06:27 PM
Strongest Air Duster on Amazon with 90000RPM review by Benson 2022 - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kapgwpUJyRo)

09-27-2022, 08:19 PM
Just wanted to quickly demo.My filthy car was the Guinea Pig.

Rechargable Air duster - YouTube (https://youtu.be/-53XdtEMAzQ)