View Full Version : Need advice

08-14-2022, 09:15 PM
Disclaimer: posting for a friend, I have not touched this car bit just trying to figure it out based on story and pics

Regular daily driver, highway trip with rainstorm. When they got home, this was the aftermath.

Some before and after pics with a regular wash they did at local power wash style DIY stops.

Reports it's not sticky to touch but did come off a little with some meguiars ultimate compound.

Local detailer who I don't know, quoted over $1000 to "try" (to be fair, it looks like a ton of work)

Any thoughts are appreciate.
1) what do we think it is?
2) safest way to approach it?
3) fair price on quote?

Thanks in advance for your time,

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glen e
08-14-2022, 09:29 PM
I’d Try an acetone wipe (don’t scrub) and then a good machine polish -try a test spot first

08-15-2022, 08:23 AM
I'd try a test spot out with a good strong apc and a soft detailing brush (like the kind used to detail around emblems etc). See what happens.

08-15-2022, 09:21 AM
Something on the road or in the rain? Or a mix of both.

Bobby B.
08-15-2022, 09:41 AM
Looks like the DIY Power Wash helped remove some of the dirt / grime. I would try P21S Total Auto Wash, Clay, and Blackfire One Step.

P21S Total Auto Wash is German nobility in a spray bottle! (https://www.autogeek.net/p2totautwas.html)

BLACKFIRE Poly Clay Fine Grade (https://www.autogeek.net/blackfire-fine-clay.html)

BLACKFIRE One Step 16 oz. (https://www.autogeek.net/blackfire-one-step-16.html)

08-15-2022, 02:26 PM
Just looks like a severe case of road film to me. And it shows very prominently on white.

Without paying big bucks to have it detailed, I'd try a simple AIO by hand. Something he can do himself if so desired.

Meguiar's Cleaner Wax (the consumer version in the maroon bottle) would be my first choice and I'd bet the farm that is all that is really needed.

08-15-2022, 06:21 PM
Hard to say what it is but I would first try to remove it chemically.
First with an APC/Degreaser at pretty high concentration (something like 4:1). Let sit on a test spot for about a minute then try to buff off with a wet microfiber towel.
If that doesn't work try with an acid based cleaner (vinegar, fallout remover, etc) do the same as with the apc.
If it's still there, try a solvant. Goo Gone, Rapid Remover, any solvant based tar remover, acetone, lacquer thinner, etc.
If it's still there you can try to clay bar it off, that will very likelly work but you will need to polish afterwards to remove the marring.

Never seen anything like it, very curious to know what that can be.

08-15-2022, 07:38 PM
75487I would go with a good ACP -- I use Mean Green & one of these

08-17-2022, 08:40 AM
I would suggest trying Koch Chemie Eulex.

That stuff was a god send for my wife's car who had a ton of tar from a recent road being paved. Took it off on a rag like nothing. If this came off with compound, I am sure this stuff would take it off like nothing.

Just need to buy some cheap MF towels that you'll be OK throwing away after, when it collects the residue.

Autogeek doesn't sell the stuff, but google it. It's a little pricey but waaaaaay cheaper than $1000 lol.

08-17-2022, 09:41 PM
Whenever I work on a white vehicle with some type of goop like that on it, I usually use some Tarminator and a bug sponge. It may take 2 or 3 treatments but the stuff usually comes off.

08-21-2022, 08:55 AM
It doesn’t look like a big deal to me. I’d start with an iron remover followed by a powerwash, bucket wash, tar remover if needed followed by a good claybar like Meguiars Professional Aggressive. Polish/compound with whatever you like and it should turn out perfect.

08-21-2022, 10:14 AM
How about an update?