View Full Version : Bird poop ate through ceramic coat - best solution?

06-28-2022, 12:36 PM
Came back from out of town for a couple of days and discovered a few bombs. I usually remove them as they happen but obviously couldnt this time. Several came off easily but this one on my T-top etched in to the ceramic coat. It has a white "rim" around the area that I can feel the ridge with my finger. So it appears it ate through the ceramic coat but not the clear as the area underneath still appears glossy

After I bought the car I discovered the previous owner had applied a ceramic but I have no idea which one. So I have been using Car Pro Reload to keep up the coating even though I dont know if he used Car Pro originally. Seems to work as the water continues to bead up nicely.

So trying to figure out my options:

1. Is there a way to get rid of or smooth out the "ridge" and remove or hide the whiteness (which I presume is the edge of the compromised ceramic)? I saw a video of people using heat from a hair dryer but that seemed to be for etching on a clear coat. Can it be spot buffed?
2. If the above doesnt work or wont work I presume I would have to polish the whole panel? And if so, is there a ceramic spot repair or do I have to go and buy a whole new ceramic kit.
3. Alternately I guess I could just buff off the ceramic leave that panel without ceramic coating and just keep using the reload

Just looking for a few thoughts. Many thanks