View Full Version : For trim, Gyeon Cancoat Evo vs Gyeon Trim?

04-27-2022, 10:59 AM
Hey, guys,
I plan on using Gyeon Cancoat Evo to protect my wife's car's paint. It will be my first time using this product.

I have a question about protecting the plastic trim. I believe Cancoat Evo can be applied to all hard exterior surfaces including the trim. I also see that Gyeon carries a protectant specifically designed for trim called Trim. Do you think Cancoat Evo will provide adequate protection for the trim or do you suggest I use Trim on the trim?

Than you,

04-27-2022, 11:08 AM
If you did both at the same time it would probably be redundant....I'd just do can coat on all surfaces and then reassess the trim in a few months...then consider adding "Trim"

04-28-2022, 01:01 AM
trim may last a little longer…. Maybe double? I would use CC since you have it and then you can just redo trim when you do paint.

CanCoat looks good on trim.

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The Guz
04-28-2022, 01:34 AM
Is the trim in good condition?

04-28-2022, 06:52 AM
No experience with Trim, but I really like how Can Coat works on trim.

04-30-2022, 01:26 PM
Is the trim in good condition?

Yes, it is a new car. Thx.