View Full Version : Carpro C Quartz Lite

04-18-2022, 04:57 AM
Hi can I top Carpro C Quartz Lite with Wolfgang Sealant 3.0 and Spritz Sealant Si02?

I have plenty of Wolfgang products left.

These products would make the Carpro coating last longer as well?


04-18-2022, 06:12 AM
I think you will go backwards. The spritz might be fine....

04-18-2022, 07:50 AM
Agree on going backwards. It might extend the life of the CQ Lite, but you'll loose all the great coating characteristics in the process. Not worth it IMO.

Just apply the coating and enjoy it as it is.

The Guz
04-18-2022, 09:38 AM
Agreed with above. A step backwards. Use those Wolfgang products on other vehicles.

04-19-2022, 04:44 AM
In the winter and rainy season I agree with above. Spring and summer when water behavior doesn’t matter as much, too away.

I do believe it will help protect coating and may boost gloss/depth/overall appearance. Then in fall decon wash and let the coating do it’s job.

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04-19-2022, 07:26 AM
I actually depend on the water behavior just as much, if not more in the warm months as I do the winter.

Our except for one period that seems to hit in February each year, our winters are fairly dry compared to most with occasional snow and ice storms that only make a nasty mess for a few days. Due to the cold, the vehicles don't get washed very often and I honestly don't worry too much about how they look because, well, it's cold, dark, and often overcast. Cars never look good that time of year.

Spring and summer however, we see quite a bit of rain and I count on the water behavior to keep the car from becoming a spotted mess when I'm at work. Also, the warmer month are when I tend to wash the vehicles by hand the most. That's when I need the car to shed bugs easier and sheet water to make drying faster/easier. I don't want any topper to interfere with the coating's ability to do both.

04-20-2022, 02:50 AM
I actually depend on the water behavior just as much, if not more in the warm months as I do the winter.

Our except for one period that seems to hit in February each year, our winters are fairly dry compared to most with occasional snow and ice storms that only make a nasty mess for a few days. Due to the cold, the vehicles don't get washed very often and I honestly don't worry too much about how they look because, well, it's cold, dark, and often overcast. Cars never look good that time of year.

Spring and summer however, we see quite a bit of rain and I count on the water behavior to keep the car from becoming a spotted mess when I'm at work. Also, the warmer month are when I tend to wash the vehicles by hand the most. That's when I need the car to shed bugs easier and sheet water to make drying faster/easier. I don't want any topper to interfere with the coating's ability to do both.

Bugs not a big problem here but i get that. Coatings biggest problems are waterspots…. I had them with CQUk3 so guessing since same chemistry that Lite might have that problem…. We have pretty soft water.

Also another benefit of topping and why (other than also generate more revenue) they recommend.

Also I didn’t notice a big difference in beading and sheeting no matter what I topped with the exception of PA Cosmic and Kami Overcoat which actually helped it perform better.

Also most company who make coatings make toppers. As stated before Some think it is just to generate revenue. Some think they for a protective barrier to protect your coating and make up for some of the short comings (waterspots)

I’m in the camp of somewhere Inbetween.

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