View Full Version : Ozone Generator Experts

03-31-2022, 10:32 AM
Is anyone well versed in ozone generators? My Tundra that has a slight musty smell since I bought it. It was a construction truck and was in horrible shape when I got it. The previous owner had used the air freshener bombs many times. I spent many hours cleaning the inside, even pulled the carpets, cleaned all the panels-inside and out, pressure washed the carpet, etc. I think the stale must(mixed with old air freshener smell) is in the headliner and seats. It's slight but there.

I got this Amazon.com (https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BGYRYMF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) and used it 3-4 times for 20-40 minutes each time. First 3x I just put the unti inside the truck, fan on and doors closed. Last time I rigged it so it was blowing in the rear slider window and could pull in fresh air to feed the machine. I know it's generating ozone because I can smell that the second I turn it on and when I open the truck up after each session. It seams 15% better after each session maybe?

My question is, even with this lower powered unit, shouldn't it have taken care of the smell by now? I have heard people using the same machine rave about it getting rid of cigarette smell from really bad smelling vehicles in one or two 20 min sessions.

Am I doing something wrong?

03-31-2022, 08:18 PM
Have you changed your cabin air filter yet? Also, sometimes certain odors can linger slightly. Have you cleaned the headliner at all?

04-01-2022, 04:34 AM
Have you changed your cabin air filter yet? Also, sometimes certain odors can linger slightly. Have you cleaned the headliner at all?


and I bought a used Durango one time with pretty much the same issues. As fly07sti said, clean the headliner and change the cabin air filter (if equipped) and then use one of these deodorizers. They worked for me twice. Once for the smelly Durango and once last year when I forgot some venison burger that rolled up under the seat my truck .
Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/Biocide-Systems-3220-Shocker-Eliminator/dp/B00B3XUBES/ref=sr_1_19?crid=1VICQNMOO7YQG&keywords=shocker+room+deodorizer&qid=1648805371&s=home-garden&sprefix=shocker+room+deorderizer%2Cgarden%2C109&sr=1-19)

04-19-2022, 02:41 PM
Have you changed your cabin air filter yet? Also, sometimes certain odors can linger slightly. Have you cleaned the headliner at all?

Changed air cabin filter multiple times. I have tried to clean the headliner. The smell seems to be lingering in the seats. They have been extracted but maybe not enough?

04-19-2022, 10:42 PM
Then ozone may not be enough. I have a Soldaguard fog machine that I use with different chemicals for different tasks, but this machine is usually my last resort for troublesome odors. Where are you located? Maybe a fellow detailer nearby could assist.

04-21-2022, 09:47 AM
Couple things. Ozone machines work but they take several treatments and while you left the window open a bit, you still haven't "shocked" the system or reached full capacity as the machines need fresh air. REcycled O3 doesn't do anything. Here's a crude picture of my early setup using flex dryer hose and some flashing that I secured with velcro to ensure the machine is OUTSIDE the vehicle pumping ozone INTO the vehicle. Works great. This is from my sons car who was owned by a smoker. 100% perfect since my initial cleaning and delousing of it. It actually smells new car new even with 98k miles on it as of now.


That said, I moved away from Ozone over to Chlorine Dioxide. I actually invested in full steam extractors and took some commercial cleaning courses to learn and complete work on rental properties that my wife and I own. Night and day difference. Ozone vs ClO2 is like comparing Beadmaker to GYEON Syncro. Night and day.

I could go on and on about the differences, why ClO2 is better, safer, faster, etc. but I'll leave you with just enough to see if you're interested in going that route. A single 40-minute treatment will kill nearly everything in that car odor and insect-wise. Cost are about $8 per treatment.



04-21-2022, 02:02 PM
Have you cleaned the seatbelts?

04-21-2022, 08:42 PM
Couple things. Ozone machines work but they take several treatments and while you left the window open a bit, you still haven't "shocked" the system or reached full capacity as the machines need fresh air. REcycled O3 doesn't do anything. Here's a crude picture of my early setup using flex dryer hose and some flashing that I secured with velcro to ensure the machine is OUTSIDE the vehicle pumping ozone INTO the vehicle. Works great. This is from my sons car who was owned by a smoker. 100% perfect since my initial cleaning and delousing of it. It actually smells new car new even with 98k miles on it as of now.


That said, I moved away from Ozone over to Chlorine Dioxide. I actually invested in full steam extractors and took some commercial cleaning courses to learn and complete work on rental properties that my wife and I own. Night and day difference. Ozone vs ClO2 is like comparing Beadmaker to GYEON Syncro. Night and day.

I could go on and on about the differences, why ClO2 is better, safer, faster, etc. but I'll leave you with just enough to see if you're interested in going that route. A single 40-minute treatment will kill nearly everything in that car odor and insect-wise. Cost are about $8 per treatment.


This is some really good information.
I can think of several places I'd like to try this.

Can you tell me how you use it?
Mix as liquid and spray in surface?
Use in a fogger(?) somehow?

Looks like you mix up the liquid solution, then can also use a fish bubbler the increase the effectiveness.

Do you use a fan or something ti help move the vapor around?

04-22-2022, 08:17 AM
This is some really good information.
I can think of several places I'd like to try this.

Can you tell me how you use it?
Mix as liquid and spray in surface?
Use in a fogger(?) somehow?

Looks like you mix up the liquid solution, then can also use a fish bubbler the increase the effectiveness.

Do you use a fan or something ti help move the vapor around?

ClO2 is a tablet that gets put in 4oz of water. Use a small battery aerator for a fish bowl ($15) off amazon to help activate the tablet. I do put a small clip on fan in the car to help push it around.

07-18-2022, 04:37 PM
ClO2 is a tablet that gets put in 4oz of water. Use a small battery aerator for a fish bowl ($15) off amazon to help activate the tablet. I do put a small clip on fan in the car to help push it around.

Interesting. I tried this on a 2003 Mustang SVT Cobra which had been sitting for years, with a mildew/moldy smell to it inside, and after following the instructors to a T, it seemed 'ok' for about a day or two. But after a few weeks, it was like I never did the treatment. I used this one from Amazon: Auto Shocker ClO2 car interior odor eliminator (https://www.amazon.com/Biocide-Systems-3213-Interior-Eliminator/dp/B00B3XUAQ2/ref=sr_1_3?crid=C3SBPG5UXCRK&keywords=Auto+Shocker&qid=1658180406&s=home-garden&sprefix=auto+shocker%2Cgarden%2C123&sr=1-3).

I just ordered an Ozone Generator, and will try the out of the car method with ducting.

Do you have any more details to share of how you rigged up the ducting to the machine? this is the one I ordered: Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D8MC68M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

07-21-2022, 07:52 PM
Interesting. I tried this on a 2003 Mustang SVT Cobra which had been sitting for years, with a mildew/moldy smell to it inside, and after following the instructors to a T, it seemed 'ok' for about a day or two. But after a few weeks, it was like I never did the treatment. I used this one from Amazon: Auto Shocker ClO2 car interior odor eliminator (https://www.amazon.com/Biocide-Systems-3213-Interior-Eliminator/dp/B00B3XUAQ2/ref=sr_1_3?crid=C3SBPG5UXCRK&keywords=Auto+Shocker&qid=1658180406&s=home-garden&sprefix=auto+shocker%2Cgarden%2C123&sr=1-3).

I just ordered an Ozone Generator, and will try the out of the car method with ducting.

Do you have any more details to share of how you rigged up the ducting to the machine? this is the one I ordered: Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D8MC68M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

That is what I have read too. With the CLO2, smells come back after about 2 weeks. For that reason I have never purchased any and stuck to ozone.

The thing with ozone is that you need to give it time to:
1. Fill the vehicle completelly. 40 mins is very likelly not enough. I normally leave my machine on for at least an hour but if you can leave it over night, that would be best.
2. Ozone is heavier than air, so it is very hard to treat the ceiling unless you use a fan to push the air up towards it.