View Full Version : CarPro Essence and Essence Plus

02-18-2022, 08:28 PM
Wow. I’ve done traditional waxes (at several price points) I’ve done synthetic sealants (can’t beat Wolfgang Deep Gloss) and I’ve done consumer ceramics. I have a new car that will be my weekend cruise nite - local show car. My only hesitation to a full ceramic is that when they do show marring / toweling marks - and they will - the only option is physical removal from the entire panel and re-application. I was considering a traditional carnauba wax for the garage queen, but someone here on the forums suggested CarPro Essence topped with Essence Plus. Wow, Wow, Wow. Perfect crossover between some of the truly excellent synthetic sealants on the market and the full on Ceramics. The high SiO content provides more ‘protection’ than a traditional synthetic sealant with the simplicity of spot correction - when needed. I got my garage queen (black, of course) corrected as well as I reasonably believed this paint could be. Then I hit her with Essence using my FLEX 3401 at LOW speed (3) using a soft Black Lake Country Pad followed by Essence Plus on an even softer Lake Country Blue Pad. I am literally stunned. I will detail her with Wolfgang Ceramic Detailer. Looks absolutely incredible.

02-18-2022, 08:37 PM
So where's the pictures?

02-18-2022, 08:55 PM
Proof is in the pictures!

02-19-2022, 08:57 AM
Yes! Pics coming later today! I did the trunk as a ‘test panel’ yesterday and was so blown away that I had to post. I’ll shoot pics once I finish the rest of the car. This is the black 73 Trans Am that I’ve posted in the Q/A forum during correction.

02-20-2022, 06:47 PM
Pictures don’t ‘look’ much different than after full correction - but in person, CarPro Essence topped with Essence Plus is incredible. Paint looks literally paint-booth-wet. This is a great option between sealants and ceramics.

06-19-2023, 12:36 PM
Pictures don’t ‘look’ much different than after full correction - but in person, CarPro Essence topped with Essence Plus is incredible. Paint looks literally paint-booth-wet. This is a great option between sealants and ceramics.

How did it workout for you? I'm going to do something similar in a few weeks?