View Full Version : Paint Profesionals, I need you in here!

10-24-2021, 06:17 PM
I have a classic BMW on my hands that needs beyond a paint correction. I am hoping to avoid a respray of these sections to keep the business, rather than sending the client to a bodyshop. I'm sure they would appreciate a detailer who canget this 95% perfect as opposed to spending double and having it perfect (and still needing paint correction after).

It appears there are burn marks from a buffer (I think?). This is apparent in 2 of the photos. Would there be a touch up technique to get this damage repaired to nearly perfect? Also, there is a scrape with chipped paint. This is down to the bare metal. Would there be a touch up technique for this as well?

In addition to this, there are dozens of chips on the quarter panel, bumper, hood and etc. Those I can manage with a doctor colorchip system.

So paint gurus, please let me know if you have advice for me to correct these blemishes and not lose the business! I really want to go above and beyond as it's one of my favorite cars.



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10-25-2021, 09:41 AM
the top pic looks like along an edge/body line,which is common for burn through to occur. the middle pic looks like something sharp gouged the paint( on plastic part?). the 3rd pic looks like bad road rash.
IMO, you were correct when saying "beyond a paint correction."
all 3- repair and paint.

glen e
10-25-2021, 10:00 AM
I agree, this isn’t really Detailing, this is body shop work.

10-25-2021, 11:05 AM
Here's my take by what I can see in the pictures...

The first two pics are what I believe you are assessing as burn throughs.

I don't think that is the case, especially the first pic. The first pic looks like a spot where there was a lack of adhesion and the paint "flaked away". If it was a burn through or some other buffer damage I would expect a smoother featheredge at the perimeter of the missing paint.

The second pic could possibly be a burn through. I can't tell for sure but it does appear as if the paint could have been overheated and smeared a bit. It also appears to have a smoother featheredge than the first pic, so a burn through is possible, but I doubt it.

Pics three and four show some paint transfer and the gouge. The paint transfer can most likely be removed with a little compound by hand. The gouge, that's another story.

I agree that repainting is probably the best option but if you want to try the touch-up route here's how I would attack it... https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-to-articles/125096-discerning-paint-chip-touch-up-not-everyone-every-chip.html?highlight=discerning+chip+repair

Be aware that since you are dealing with a metallic color, any brush touch-up method will never match perfectly.

10-25-2021, 03:01 PM
Pic #3:
The blue paint is from whatever he hit, that can be removed. But the other damage requires paint. That low down on the fender you *might* be able to get away with a small rattlecan (or airbrush) repair, but you better be good at it. I've blended repairs bigger than that using the cheap touch up gun from Horrible Fright.