View Full Version : Blasted AC spec sticker off - how to stick it back?

10-19-2021, 06:24 PM
I was pressure washing the engine bay on my Renegade a few weekends ago and blew the AC spec sticker off the fan shroud. What kind of adhesive should I use to reattach it?


10-19-2021, 06:28 PM
My first thought would be to check with your Jeep parts guy at the dealership and have him order you a new one.

If they are unavailable, I would then try 3M spray adhesive. It is some really good stuff. :)

10-20-2021, 08:19 AM

10-20-2021, 09:30 AM
+1 for Paul's just get a new one. Most of the underhood stickers on the cars I work on have a part number on them, you could look it up that way.

As someone who uses that sticker as part of their job, honestly you could also just stick it in with your owner's manual and skip having it underhood. You only need the sticker when servicing the A/C, so if you knew it was going to be worked on you could provide it to whomever is doing the work.