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10-17-2021, 04:27 AM
I'm going to be compounding, polishing and then applying Sonax PNS to my car this week. I've never used it before. Will be applying with a foam pad.
I was wondering though if there is any benefit of doing 2 coats with it? This is going on a phantom black tricoat pearl (metallic) car (my 2014 Chrysler 300 AWD 5.7L).
Thanks for any advice or tips!

10-17-2021, 06:33 AM
No second cost needed. Take your time with first coat and you’ll be fine. I applied PNS to my daughters car in April 2020 and maintained it with Sonax Brilliant Shine Detailer every 3 months or so. Water is still beading almost as good as it was when I first applied it. Great stuff, very underrated product.
Only need one or two light sprays per panel. Spray a good amount onto foam applicator and spread like you would a wax or sealant. Wait about a minute and buff off. Don’t over do it when buffing off. It will feel a bit sticky or not quite as slick as a wax or sealant. That’s the characteristic of the product. Good luck

10-18-2021, 08:18 AM
Not a big fan of PNS ( one coat) as bird bombs eat eat right through it in no time). If I am at work and car gets bird bombed I find PNS provides light protection. Yes, I know you are suppose to remove bird bombs immediately but sometimes that is not practical. I have switched to ceramic coatings which can handle easy wipe off of bird bombs that have sat a whole day on the car. Sure you can reapply PNS easily so up to you on the protection you want. Just my 2 cents.

Bobby B.
10-18-2021, 08:48 AM
Only one coat is needed for the Sonax Polymer Net Shield. Great product!

Sonax Polymer Net Shield, sonax polymer netshield, sonax profiline polymer netshield (https://www.autogeek.net/sonax-polymer-net-shield.html)

Bobby B.
10-18-2021, 08:54 AM
Not a big fan of PNS ( one coat) as bird bombs eat eat right through it in no time). If I am at work and car gets bird bombed I find PNS provides light protection. Yes, I know you are suppose to remove bird bombs immediately but sometimes that is not practical. I have switched to ceramic coatings which can handle easy wipe off of bird bombs that have sat a whole day on the car. Sure you can reapply PNS easily so up to you on the protection you want. Just my 2 cents.

Bird Bombs can penetrate any Carnauba Wax, Polymer Sealant, and Ceramic Coating. It all depends on how acidic that bird bomb is. A Polymer Sealant or Ceramic Coating would offer the best protection against bird bombs IMO.

10-18-2021, 12:05 PM
Anyone that can muster the strength to get through 2 applications of Polymer Net Shield is a bonafide warrior. Last time I did a full car with PNS, I was ready to swan dive off the top of the Sears Tower about half way through one coat.

You should not need two coats to see its peak performance, unless you notice a pretty inconsistent water behavior during your first wash with it. But I have to say, there's a long list of full coatings that will blow away PNS in total durability and ease of use during the wipeoff. It's still a great sealant and one of the most hydrophobic products when fresh, but that last experience for me was pretty much the end of my love affair with it.

10-18-2021, 12:18 PM
Anyone that can muster the strength to get through 2 applications of Polymer Net Shield is a bonafide warrior. Last time I did a full car with PNS, I was ready to swan dive off the top of the Sears Tower about half way through one coat.

You should not need two coats to see its peak performance, unless you notice a pretty inconsistent water behavior during your first wash with it. But I have to say, there's a long list of full coatings that will blow away PNS in total durability and ease of use during the wipeoff. It's still a great sealant and one of the most hydrophobic products when fresh, but that last experience for me was pretty much the end of my love affair with it.
:iagree:Not a fan of sticky LSP's.

10-19-2021, 08:20 PM
Dunno why I'm not get emails of replies :/

I bought it last year to try and never used it. I've used Meguiars Ultimate Paste Wax (2 coats!) since it came out and have liked it (and the rest of their Ultimate line) but wanted to try something different this time. I used all Sonax on the car this time. CutMax then ProfiLine EX 04-06 and its turned out very nice so far today, every person that walked by commented on it. I will be putting the PNS (1 coat it looks like) on tomorrow as I ran out of light, thanks all...

10-19-2021, 08:24 PM
Not a big fan of PNS ( one coat) as bird bombs eat eat right through it in no time). If I am at work and car gets bird bombed I find PNS provides light protection. Yes, I know you are suppose to remove bird bombs immediately but sometimes that is not practical. I have switched to ceramic coatings which can handle easy wipe off of bird bombs that have sat a whole day on the car. Sure you can reapply PNS easily so up to you on the protection you want. Just my 2 cents.

Will PNS look layered or streaked/anything if I reapply it to something that has etched thru?

What other coatings do you guys suggest that last as long and are easier to apply/use? I don't want to ceramic coat, not much up here to choose from vs the USA and other places :/ I was going to get Jescar Powerlock last year instead of this PNS, as it was about the only one I heard had decent durability like PNS, but the price was stupid high...

10-19-2021, 08:41 PM
PNS is a great sealant. As Loach mentions, the worst part is the application process. If you have BSD, apply it once a month after a wash (use as a sealant, not quick detailer or waterless wash). This will keep PNS working like new. This combo will last indefinitely.

10-19-2021, 08:57 PM
I do have BSD I use once in a while. :)

The Guz
10-19-2021, 10:43 PM
Will PNS look layered or streaked/anything if I reapply it to something that has etched thru?

What other coatings do you guys suggest that last as long and are easier to apply/use? I don't want to ceramic coat, not much up here to choose from vs the USA and other places :/ I was going to get Jescar Powerlock last year instead of this PNS, as it was about the only one I heard had decent durability like PNS, but the price was stupid high...

What coating brands can you get your hands on?

10-20-2021, 05:17 PM
What coating brands can you get your hands on?

Dunno, I google stuff I read/hear about...

I got a coat of PNS on the car today, and then it promptly rained with 2 panels to go (the forecast said sun/cloud & 0 rain all day and still does :/ ) So after it stopped for a bit, I ONR'd the car and it rained again the second I got my drying towel out. So I waited an hour and it rained 3 more times for 5 min each, just enough to muck up my nice job, but I got the last 2 panels done at least in that time... The sun finally stayed out enough with some cloud, and I ONR'd the car again and put another coat of PNS on the hood and trunk and roof (upfacing panels,) slapped some tire shine on and it's all pretty again. Lets see how long this PNS lasts now vs. the Megs UPW I usually use... :)

10-21-2021, 06:06 PM
Not sure if I like how this PNS acts. With my Meg's UPW water would bead good and fall/blow off easily. With the PNS it beads real good but doesn't move as much even with some air :/

I'm also very surprised by all I've read about how 'grabby' PNS is to buff off. I had zero issues with my soft 350gsm Detail Popo edgeless microfibers. Much easier to take off than any wax I've ever used in my life by far. I applied it with a red foam B&S applicator pad, left it for 10sec or more then wiped off. I was going to use a microfiber pad I have a bunch of but wasn't sure on the quality so stuck with the foam one...

The Guz
10-21-2021, 11:20 PM
Could be all that rain, ONR and application that did not give PNS time to cure properly. It should easily blow away that megs product.