View Full Version : Ceramic coating and humidity

10-03-2021, 09:36 AM
In my garage. Getting ready to apply ceramic to my prepped car
75 degrees tokay. . But overcast with high humidity about 90%. Is the humidity a problem?

The Guz
10-03-2021, 11:06 AM
Flash time me will be affected. You will have to see how the coating responds during your first panel.

10-04-2021, 07:52 AM
Thx, I going to put a 1500 watt electric space heater in garage.

10-04-2021, 08:21 AM
From my experience flash times on some coatings will be much longer. At your temperatures it probably won't be too bad, but when cool AND damp, it really stretches things out.

Putting a space heater in your garage may just make it hot and humid rather than drying things out since you aren't removing the moisture from the air with a de-humidifier.

Honestly, I'd just press on as-is, be patient, and just adapt to what you see as the coating flashes and how it buffs out.

10-04-2021, 10:17 AM
Thx. Hpc coating unlike others is suppose to haze when ready for removal.

10-04-2021, 10:59 AM
Ah, OK. I'd still expect it to haze slower and even then you might have to experiment to see the right amount of time wait before buffing.

With CQuartz in high humidity, not only does it flash slower, but you also have to wait a bit longer to keep it from smearing when you buff off. I always do a small test area each time to see how it is behaving that day and then adjust my timing and work flow from there.

10-04-2021, 01:53 PM
Thx I’m in the middle of applying. Looks like about 10 minutes flash. White is so hard to see. Are you more apt to leave it on a little longer or shorter.

The Guz
10-04-2021, 05:47 PM
White is so hard to see. Are you more apt to leave it on a little longer or shorter.

Ain’t that the truth. People think black is hard to coat. I disagree.

Diffused lighting is your friend.

10-05-2021, 07:31 AM
Thx I’m in the middle of applying. Looks like about 10 minutes flash. White is so hard to see. Are you more apt to leave it on a little longer or shorter.

The lighter the color, the harder it is to see the flashing or hazing. White and silver are probably the worst. The last time I did a sealant on a white car I had a terrible time seeing the hazing too and removal was a real bear because I couldn't see the spots I miss.

If you can't see real well, it's better to leave it a *bit* longer so you don't get any smearing. HOWEVER, don't leave it on so long you can't buff anything out without a lot of extra effort.

Ain’t that the truth. People think black is hard to coat. I disagree.

Diffused lighting is your friend.

Dark colors and black are easy compared to white. White was the most difficult application I've ever done.

I might be a slow learner, but the diffused lighting really does make a difference. I only recently discovered working in a semi-dark environment and then reflecting my lights off the ceiling; a real game changer for me in coating application.