View Full Version : They arrive today!

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07-19-2006, 09:07 AM
So, both my orders are coming today! First I plan to play aroudn with the foam gun on my Pits, then use it on my ride.
Gonan strip my hood and try the SOuveran, think I should bother with anything underneath like a glaze or just go straight Souv?

07-19-2006, 09:09 AM
Wolfgang likes to go under Souveran, at least that is what I heard!

07-19-2006, 09:14 AM
But I'd have to wait 12 hours before using the SOuveran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I coudl have stripped and prepped now and put on the Wolf, but then I'd nto have anything to use the foam gun on, besides my poodles!

07-19-2006, 09:17 AM
But I'd have to wait 12 hours before using the SOuveran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I coudl have stripped and prepped now and put on the Wolf, but then I'd nto have anything to use the foam gun on, besides my poodles!

You have poodles??? Dang Scott, you just totally dashed my image of you!! How can a guy with a tatoo of flames on his foot possibly own poodles??? (she says shaking her head in disbelief while muttering, "it's just so wrong, so wrong") :p

07-19-2006, 09:24 AM
Ha, no, I call my Pit Bulls...Poodles! It started when my male was a baby, I wnated to train him to snarl when I called him a poodle liek a joke! It kinda stuck and now the whoel family calles them poddles time to time, but I always do. You should see people's reactions in public when I do it unkowingly, they have a look of either I'm a complete idiot or those are the ugliest poodles ever!

07-19-2006, 09:30 AM
Ha, no, I call my Pit Bulls...Poodles! It started when my male was a baby, I wnated to train him to snarl when I called him a poodle liek a joke! It kinda stuck and now the whoel family calles them poddles time to time, but I always do. You should see people's reactions in public when I do it unkowingly, they have a look of either I'm a complete idiot or those are the ugliest poodles ever!

Sure honey! I believe you! ;) You go on telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. I'll bet you even have the white ones with the foofy pink hair and painted nails don't you?

07-19-2006, 09:49 AM
I present for your viewing pleasure: Cyrus Casear Tai Chi Zen and ZoaBella Lola Zen. AKA...Poodles! Teh kids did paint their nails awhiel back and as they were doing ti I just kept saying, "That is so wrong!"

07-19-2006, 09:50 AM
Ha, no, I call my Pit Bulls...Poodles! It started when my male was a baby, I wnated to train him to snarl when I called him a poodle liek a joke! It kinda stuck and now the whoel family calles them poddles time to time, but I always do. You should see people's reactions in public when I do it unkowingly, they have a look of either I'm a complete idiot or those are the ugliest poodles ever!
Whew! That was a relief. When you said you were going to wash the Pits, I thought you were referring to armpits. I could see it now...police get a call about a naked man lathering himself up in his driveway. :awesome:

07-19-2006, 09:52 AM
I present for your viewing pleasure: Cyrus Casear Tai Chi Zen and ZoaBella Lola Zen. AKA...Poodles! Teh kids did paint their nails awhiel back and as they were doing ti I just kept saying, "That is so wrong!"

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!! I like the Cyrus Casear Tai Chi Zen (cono what a name!!) He looks like Petey from the Little Rascals. :p

07-19-2006, 09:56 AM
I present for your viewing pleasure: Cyrus Casear Tai Chi Zen and ZoaBella Lola Zen. AKA...Poodles! Teh kids did paint their nails awhiel back and as they were doing ti I just kept saying, "That is so wrong!"
Scooter, you know they might not appreciate the foam gun, but if you use the DP Xtreme at least they will smell minty fresh!

07-19-2006, 10:49 AM
ha, ha, yep.
He doe slook a lot like Petey, and at Halloween we paint a black circle aroudn his eye, looks identical! Thing is, people will be petting and loving on them, then ask what they are, when they fidn out the back away. Bad publicity.
Anyway, goona give the itmes a whirl, wher eis that brown truck!!!!

07-19-2006, 10:51 AM
I would really like to see a pick of the dogs getting a bath with the foam gun!:Picture:

07-19-2006, 10:51 AM
I present for your viewing pleasure: Cyrus Casear Tai Chi Zen and ZoaBella Lola Zen. AKA...Poodles! Teh kids did paint their nails awhiel back and as they were doing ti I just kept saying, "That is so wrong!"
What bread is the brown one???Pits here in SC are cheap in the classifieds, I've seen ads for full blood pitts about 4-8 months old going for $150 and lower. Then there's the Gator breed that runs close to 1g.

07-19-2006, 11:07 AM
The brindle/white one was basiclaly rescued from a backyard breeder when he was a pup, best dog I have ever had, truly on cue with interaction, almost huma-like.
The red/brown one is American Pit Bull Terrier, she came from Georgia, she is Kingfish and Colby (Colby was the orgi. Petey bloodline), we came across here when we were out of state, saw an ad, they had two left and were just wanting get rid of them cheap, think we paid $100 for her..marked down from $800.

07-19-2006, 11:42 AM
Sweet man I sooooo wish they would allow pitts here in the apparments :(.