View Full Version : seal plastic trim after sealing paint?

05-23-2021, 10:20 AM
Throwing an AIO on my 2019 Ridgeline soon.
Paints in real good shape.
Gonna put a treatment of some sort on the exterior plastic trim as well.

Plastic trim after paint buff and AIO?
Plastic trim and then paint buff with AIO.

Probly get some WETS or something of that nature.
Guessing we don't "tape-off" plastic trim anymore.

05-23-2021, 11:27 AM
Taping trim is a matter of choice with many factors playing into the decision to tape or not to tape.

- What product(s) are you using? Does it (they) stain the trim?
- How close to the trim do you want to get? Right up to it? 1/8"? 1/4"? 1 inch? 2 inches?
- Are working by hand? Or by machine?
- Panel and trim configuration - Is the trim easy or hard to avoid?
- Etc., etc., etc...

If you are not going to mask off the trim, you then have two options. 1) Be very careful; 2) Seal the trim first - That way if you inadvertently get any polishing/waxing product on the trim it will clean away easier.

OTOH, if you are going to mask off the trim, then that should be done prior to sealing the trim as most trim products will diminish, or even completely eliminate the adhesion ability of the tape.

Personally, each case is a judgement call for me, using the above criteria to make the determination.

05-23-2021, 11:44 AM
Plastic trim after paint buff and AIO?
Plastic trim and then paint buff with AIO.

I always try to do the plastic trim
before applying an AIO; a Finish
Wax/Sealant; or any other LSP.


05-23-2021, 09:33 PM
Trim sealant first sounds right.
It's basically all the plastic-like product
All around the skirting area between
painted and road. Need to buy the WETS probably get the
Black fire AIO as my only AIO left now is Opti-Seal. Applying with machine, hand apply the trim seal after a wash/clay. Should be easy enough to keep off paint.

Mike Phillips
05-24-2021, 08:09 AM
Wolfgang Exterior Trim Sealants or WETS is a good product but the key to your success with it it to...

Use it often

Me? I hate trying to clean any kind of compound, polish or aio residue off of our out of stupid plastic, rubber and vinyl trim - so for me? I'm taping this crop off.

Everyone else can do as they see best for them and their time.


05-25-2021, 06:56 AM
Upon further review:
I may tape off a section at a time that way it may not feel so daunting.
I think my concern is I don't really want to work that close to the ground, for that long, all the way around the vehicle.
I would rather be applying the sealant at this work height than be struggling with removing stains.
Gotta have some of that blue tape around here somewhere...

Bobby B.
05-25-2021, 07:40 AM
I prefer taping the plastic trim when using an AIO. I like to use the Blackfire Tire & Trim Sealant. It's a great product!

BLACKFIRE Tire & Trim Sealant, plastic trim restorer, tire coating, long lasting tire shine (https://www.autogeek.net/blackfire-trim-sealant-trim-restorer.html)

CarPro Automotive Masking Tape 24 mm (https://www.autogeek.net/carpro-masking-tape-24mm.html)

05-25-2021, 05:20 PM
Definitely tape off the trim, apply your AIO, and then apply Wolfgang Exterior Trim Sealant. It brings back the richness in the black vinyl.