View Full Version : Shade Envy

05-06-2021, 12:38 PM
I really enjoy looking at the pictures that many members post of their rides following detailing. I note that most pics are indoors in a spacious environment, or outdoors in the shade. I'm envious. Ever since I moved three years ago, I have difficulty finding a good time to maintain my daily rides. I much prefer outdoors and fresh air for these tasks (aside from winter here in the north)... but my garage has a southern exposure and there are no trees (or other objects) to provide shade. I know there are alternatives like early morning or later evening, or awkwardly parked in a garage without sufficient drainage, waterless/rinseless washes... well you get the point. There's three kinds of lumps (lump in the oatmeal, lump in the throat, and lump in the breast) and this one is of the oatmeal variety. Thanks for the opportunity to vent a little.

05-06-2021, 12:43 PM
Don't you have a door? Or hang a tarp to block the sun. We without garages should be envious of you.

05-06-2021, 01:17 PM
My garage faces southeast so I have to wait until the evening when the neighbor's house shades the driveway if I want to do something outside. So I feel your pain.

05-06-2021, 01:35 PM
You can lower the garage door some. Or all the way and turn on some lights. Or, halfway through a detail, back the vehicle in rather than have it pulled in, work from the back of the garage to keep direct sunlight off of it.

05-06-2021, 01:57 PM
I'm well aware of those options, but as my post indicated I was merely venting.

05-06-2021, 04:43 PM
We without garages should be envious of you.

I'll second this.

"I don't even have a garage. You can call home and ask my wife!" --Charlie Daniels. :)

05-06-2021, 05:27 PM
My garage faces south, I usually crack the door open mostly to avoid all the “ you’re gonna rub the paint of it” comments. I love it in winter the sun will melt whatever water escapes to the drive, when using coatings I’ll crack them open more and it’s the perfect light to see high spots. I guess someone’s oatmeal is another persons prime rib

05-06-2021, 06:19 PM
•Keep in mind that, along with having
shade trees, comes the accompanying:
-tree sap; bird poop; leaf imprints; and,
other such ‘not-to-envy’ contaminates.

•On that note:
-Count me among the people that would
like to live in a world where the detailing
of vehicles would be rid of any and all such
“inconveniences” brought up in this thread.


05-06-2021, 06:28 PM
•Keep in mind that, along with having
shade trees, comes the accompanying:
-tree sap; bird poop; leaf imprints; and,
other such ‘not-to-envy’ contaminates.

•On that note:
-Count me among the people that would
like to live in a world where the detailing
of vehicles would be rid of any and all such
“inconveniences” brought up in this thread.


Note to self:

-Count Bob among the people that would
like to live in a world where the detailing
of vehicles would be rid of any and all such
"inconveniences" brought up in this thread.

Duly counted, Bob! :)

05-06-2021, 06:30 PM
In the winter time I welcome sunlight shining directly on my vehicles as it allows me to do rinseless washes without having the solution freeze up on the surface. The summer is a different story. I had to wash the cars at the crack of dawn (when the bugs are out) or near sunset (when the bugs are out). The solution was a 10 x 15 canopy that I can setup and teardown by myself. It provides great temporary shade and there is plenty of room to work on the vehicle.