View Full Version : Do you journal your detailing activity?

Lance Mark
04-20-2021, 10:24 AM
With various combinations of tools, pads, polishes, LSPs and the methods to use these products, do you journal this as well as results?

In fact, posts here are a journal of sorts for me.

I'm thinking about recording

Before pics
Pre project plan
Date, times, temps
Tools, pads, and products used
Challenges I had or didn't expect
Results, pics

A lot of years back, I had aspirations of being a mad scientist. This all has me feeling like I'm back in the lab again.

04-20-2021, 11:02 AM
I have never journaled my detailing activities but I do journal everything else done to any of my vehicles...

For example, I keep the following data for my bike...
- General/Miscellaneous Information Record
- Maintenance Record
- Modification Record
- Repair Record

Here's an example with an excerpt from of one of those...


Bruno Soares
04-20-2021, 11:59 AM
I don’t. Takes me long enough to just get it done, to add more steps that aren’t a must would only make me dread the process even more.

Bill D
04-20-2021, 12:11 PM
I don't but I keep my maintenance receipts in an envelope in my desk.

04-20-2021, 12:46 PM
With various combinations of tools, pads, polishes, LSPs and the methods to use these products, do you journal this as well as results?

In fact, posts here are a journal of sorts for me.

I'm thinking about recording

Before pics
Pre project plan
Date, times, temps
Tools, pads, and products used
Challenges I had or didn't expect
Results, pics

A lot of years back, I had aspirations of being a mad scientist. This all has me feeling like I'm back in the lab again.

LOL !!! Many of us here are "Mad Scientist" or "Bench chemist". We as a community has a tendency to experiment with a product outside the range of what it was intended for. Sometimes we find great success and other times not so much.

Documentation takes time and preparations. I generally dont do it unless it is something interesting.

Big Dave
04-20-2021, 04:32 PM
I keep a note pad in the garage, with a separate list for the FJ and Qashqai. I later put that info onto a spreadsheet. I keep it basic, the date, what I did, and what products I used. I realized just using my memory wasn't good enough to track what I'd used on what vehicle, and what longevity I was getting out of it. Also stops me from wasting product by putting something on top of something else that won't work, or last.

Sent from my F8331 using Tapatalk

04-20-2021, 05:27 PM
Not with the paint correction/sealant stuff. Doesn't happen that often and I take pictures so I can go back and find the date if I need it. I do it for some items like interior clean/303/leather 3-in-1, etc. as it's not as obvious how long ago it was done compared to say washing.

04-20-2021, 05:39 PM
I have never journaled my detailing activities but I do journal everything else done to any of my vehicles...

For example, I keep the following data for my bike...
- General/Miscellaneous Information Record
- Maintenance Record
- Modification Record
- Repair Record

Here's an example with an excerpt from of one of those...


I'm the same way, John.

Full maintenance records on each vehicle. Plus, I keep a notebook in the shed of lawn equipment maintenance. And I install hour meters on the bigger machines like my snow blower and riding mower.

As for detailing? No. I have found what works best for me. No need to document it. IMO.