View Full Version : Is pretreating necessary when rinseless washing?

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04-12-2021, 05:39 PM
Hello ...

I always pretreat when I do a rinseless but today I just rinsed the car off and then did the rinseless without pretreating. I am having doubts if pretreating is really necessary or not. I feel it might provide some level of lubrication but how much is debatable. So I was wondering how you guys feel about pretreating while doing a rinseless.

I am trying to avoid scratching so if pretreating is really beneficial then I might stick to it. One advantage to not pretreating is that there is less water to dry up afterwards. I want to avoid marring while washing so I am having second thoughts.

Appreciate any comments.

04-12-2021, 05:48 PM
I always pre-treat.

Just putting towel/sponge with RW solution to dry, dirty paint is a recipe for swirls/marring.

You can make up a pre-treat solution in a spray bottle, then quickly pre-treat a whole side of the car before you begin. (My method).

04-12-2021, 05:53 PM
I always pre-treat.

Just putting towel/sponge with RW solution to dry, dirty paint is a recipe for swirls/marring.

You can make up a pre-treat solution in a spray bottle, then quickly pre-treat a whole side of the car before you begin. (My method).

Yes I am realizing that. I guess it was just an impulsive move to just wash the car without pretreating it. I always do it but I guess I got lazy.

glen e
04-12-2021, 05:55 PM
I pre-treat the car if dirty from a trip..... However if I’m getting just dust from the week off the car, I go straight to a fully loaded set of five soaked towels and car Pro Ech20. I have never swirled a car using this procedure. However it requires some common sense.

04-12-2021, 05:57 PM
If you are going to hose down prior to doing a rinseless, I don’t feel it’s necessary.
If going to total rinseless, ie dry panel. Then yes pre treat is a must. Unless you don’t mind swirls.

04-12-2021, 05:58 PM
I pre-treat the car if dirty from a trip..... However if I’m getting just dust from the week off the car, I go straight to a fully loaded set of five soaked towels and car Pro Ech20. I have never swirled a car using this procedure. However it requires some common sense.

Yes, if the car is pretty dirty than wiping it off dry probably does increase the changes of swirls. I did rinse the car off before so I guess that helped a little. Glad to hear your wash methods are working great. By the way, thank you for the detailing lessons. I know you from the Accord forums and other sites as well. You have helped a lot, Glen.

04-12-2021, 05:59 PM
If you are going to hose down prior to doing a rinseless, I don’t feel it’s necessary.
If going to total rinseless, ie dry panel. Then yes pre treat is a must. Unless you don’t mind swirls.

The panels felt a lot more dryer than they do when I pretreat it. I think I'm going to go back to doing it. Definitely do not want swirls.

04-12-2021, 06:21 PM
If you are going to hose down prior to doing a rinseless, I don’t feel it’s necessary.
If going to total rinseless, ie dry panel. Then yes pre treat is a must. Unless you don’t mind swirls.

Yes, exactly.

My reply was to his point of there would be less water to dry, thinking that he was asking about not using a hose at all. ;)

04-12-2021, 06:30 PM
I agree Paul. That’s what makes this forum a great place. Gives people options and opinions from others and let’s them choose what works for them. I’m gonna have to hit you up when I go to NY next year.

04-12-2021, 06:58 PM
I rarely pretreat. The car has to be really dirty. Been doing it that way for years, including our two current black cars, and marring hasn’t been an issue at all.

04-12-2021, 07:20 PM
I would think rinsing with a hose prior to the actual rinseless would be sufficient. Of course that would also depend on how thorough of a rinse is performed.

If you do a thorough hose rinse first, my thoughts are that will remove most of any particulate contamination and what you're left with is road film. I don't believe the road film would be a major contributor to swirls.

Then again pre-treatment is quick and easy insurance.

If I were to pick between the two - hosing off first, or skipping the hosing and going straight to pre-treatment, I think the hosing would be more beneficial... Although doing both would likely be the absolute safest option.

04-12-2021, 09:20 PM
I would say no, but it depends.

If I’m really being diligent and keeping a solution mixed up and wiping the car down with it every other day or something? I don’t pretreat.

If I pressure rinse the car? For sure not pretreating.

If it’s been like a week or two and I’m gonna do a rinseless? I use a gallon garden sprayer and presoak 1/2 the car at a time.

The thing for me is that I use a hose for my wheels and tires regardless of whether I’m doin a rinseless on the paint. It’s just more enjoyable to use a rinseless wash. So if I’ve got the pressure washer out for the wheels and tires, it’s easy to quickly rinse the paint and then wipe it down with rinseless.

Pretreating with a big garden sprayer really is easy, so even if I don’t think it’s necessary it takes like 2 seconds to do it that way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-12-2021, 09:41 PM
+1 for pretreatment; it’s pretty much a habit ( doesn’t add that much more time to the process)

bob m
04-13-2021, 06:11 AM
To those who pretreat, what do you pretreat with - just water?

Bruno Soares
04-13-2021, 08:20 AM
To those who pretreat, what do you pretreat with - just water?

The same product you're using for rinseless, mixed at a waterless wash ratio.