View Full Version : 6 inch pad for windshirld scrub

glen e
03-20-2021, 01:19 PM
Can anyone recommend a 6 inch pad for my orbital that will allow me to scrub my windshield safely? I am handicapped and do not want to use a standard dishwash scrubber… Looking for my griots cordless orbital to do it.... it’s bug season here in Florida, and after 100 mile run across Florida a couple times a month, my windshield is peppered with small insects, not love bugs.

Maybe this one?

3D 100% Knitted Lambswool Pad 6 in. (https://www.autogeek.net/3d-knitted-lambswool-6in.html)

Or the purple lake country hybrid wool pad?

03-20-2021, 02:30 PM
Glass is incredibly hard and most products won’t touch it. Probably any compound and a more aggressive pad will get stuff off of glass. I’d actually probably use a cutting microfiber pad with a medium compound. But if you truly want to polish glass, you’ll need a product with cerium oxide in it such as Carpro Ceriglass and matching rayon pad, though apparently they only come in 5” pads.

glen e
03-20-2021, 02:33 PM
Thanks, I’m not interested in polishing the glass, just getting the bugs off. I actually just cut down my 7” wool hybrid pad that I had for my rotary, and used Windex and the windshield came clean immediately, the bugs are only a day or two old, there were just a lot of them.

03-20-2021, 02:49 PM
Those pesky bugs !!!! Glad those things are not around where I am....



03-21-2021, 01:47 PM
Another idea would be to buy a gas station style windshield scrubber/squeegee combo.

You could also try a clay pad for your Griots.

Rupes blue coarse pad would also be plenty stout to tackle bugs and would clean up easy.

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