View Full Version : URINE STINK!!!

01-24-2021, 02:05 PM
I have a couple older Accord work commuters that I take off the road in the winter and just store outside until spring. Keeps them out of the salt and winter headaches. I live in the upper Midwest where we get long winters. I also live in a very rural area with lots of critters. I usually have some mice issues with stored vehicles either inside or outside, but nothing too severe. I recently dug out the Accords from the snow bank and started them to let them run for a bit and OMG the mouse urine smell from one of them about made my eyes water. It’s so strong you can pretty much taste it!!! I did some quick checking and they are in the air ducts behind the dash. I usually don’t have a problem with them in there and the other car is fine, but this one is BAD. I got a bunch of poison bait and placed it all over under the car and in the engine compartment which might help some but the sink is already there.

Is there anything I can do either now or in the spring when we get back above freezing to help get rid of the sink? I know they make some products but I was hoping someone on here would be able to recommend what might work best for my situation. These cars do not get detailed, I don’t really care what they look like, they are just daily drivers.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

01-24-2021, 02:26 PM
There are aerosols that you can shoot into your air ducts. You may have to do this several times. Good luck.

Mike Hoekstra
01-24-2021, 02:55 PM
My local rep sells this product - Automatic Enzyme Pre-spot Amazon.com (https://www.amazon.com/Enzyme-Pre-Spot-Auto-Magic-Concentrated/dp/B077V8QNLH). He told me a story about his friend who had a cat that pissed in a bathroom all the time. He used this stuff on the sub-floor before replacing it full strength and it killed it. The cat never had interest in the bathroom again. There's also the Chlorine Dioxide as a treatment.

01-24-2021, 03:08 PM
The problem is the storage method and while you may kill the stink the problem is still there. I found a mouse nest inside a door that had no openings which led to another nest behind the radio and in the vents. I cleaned it up, check everywhere I could imagine and flipped it to the next buyer.

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Mike Hoekstra
01-24-2021, 03:43 PM
The problem is the storage method and while you may kill the stink the problem is still there. I found a mouse nest inside a door that had no openings which led to another nest behind the radio and in the vents. I cleaned it up, check everywhere I could imagine and flipped it to the next buyer.

Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk

As stated, where there is one nest, there are likely more. You'll pretty much have to tear the thing apart to truly get it all.

01-24-2021, 03:44 PM
Obviously you'll want to get rid of the critters and their remains, etc. but once you do, perhaps clean the interior up, check cabin filter too. I've found dead ones on top of it as they make a nest in the material.

Once done, run a Chlorine Dioxide Treatment through the car. Just PM me and we can talk via phone. I use it all the time on rental properties and in vehicles. I no longer even use Ozone. It's about $6-8 per treatment and simply requires a little water and a small $15 aerator. Here' a set up I use in vehicles.


01-25-2021, 01:22 PM
Thanks for the responses. Funny how some years there's no issues with outside storage and others it becomes a BIG issue. Dam critters.

I didn't even know that a 2000 Accord had a cabin filter. I've never checked it. Looks like I have to tear part of the dash out to get to it and I can do that until spring or I'll break everything I touch... mid to late April hopefully. The stink is not coming from inside the cabin of the car or the carpets, it's originating from behind the dash so it's in the ducts and firewall area. I'm sure there's some nests back there with crap and corpses all over.

TTQ - Thanks for the offer. PM inbound.

Thanks for the responses.