View Full Version : How do I clean oxidation from my microfiber

king air pilot
04-04-2008, 06:42 PM
Well after allot of work on the hard stuff on my "new" 81 Jeep Laredo its time for the fun work. Cleaning and polishing. It has some oxidation and dust from doing some grinding ect so my plan is this. I just recieved some duragloss 526 from ag and after 2 good washes I will attack the paint with the DG526.

I did a small test patch and of course got some of the maroon oxidized paint on my micro. I have about 20 or so MF towels and while I love using them I would rather use them to buff and clean my Menzerna products after the paint is clean and not have all the paint transfer on the towels.

So would I be better to just use some old bath towels with the duragloss? I would much rather sacrifice the bath towels then my micros. For that matter I would even be willing to sacrifice the guests towels that hang on that rack that my wife wont let me touch than sacrifice my micros.

So will it ever come out? Heres my pre cleaning pic of "jersey"


04-04-2008, 08:02 PM
I use the cobra blue indigo and the deluxe jr mf towels. I have done many a single stage and oxidized paints. Red/Black/Blue/Green/White. And my towels have always come clean.

04-04-2008, 08:34 PM
use Micro Restore detergent?

04-04-2008, 08:35 PM
when my MFs get dirty or stained i use PBs apc prior to washing them. works every time.