View Full Version : Damn Leaking Tank!

04-03-2008, 09:59 AM
So i have been dealing with this leaking tank, that leaks from the outlet which is at the bottom of the tank. I got the proper fittings, but it still leaks..drip drip drip. I used silicone to see if i can fill in the gap, but it still drips. Is there something else i can use????

I noticed there looks like another outlet on the lower right side of the tank not sitting as low as the leaking outlet, though i have not tried it out yet. I would then need something to plug in the other outlet

I have a 3/4 to 1/2 inch fitting that screws into the outlet

04-03-2008, 10:08 AM
Have you tried wrapping the fitting threads with Teflon tape...is it leaking from the fitting going into the tank..if so a good wrapping of Teflon tape will most likely fix the leak...


04-03-2008, 10:50 AM
I'll try that out......so i actually wrap the thread of the fitting that goes into the tank?

04-03-2008, 01:26 PM
I'll try that out......so i actually wrap the thread of the fitting that goes into the tank?

yes...wrap it around about 5 times and then screw it in...wrap it the oppisite way it screws in also so it will not unwind going in...its cheap also like maybe a 1.50 a roll at home depot or lowes..in the plumbing section...they have a liquid also....or a paste ...use what you feel comfortable with..the tape works..just when doing it do not get to much of the spool at one time...take a about 2 inches and wrap the threads first..then once it grabs spool it around 5-8 times covering all the threaded area...


04-03-2008, 02:59 PM
So i got some teflon and taped the thread that goes into the tank. This is what it looks like. I just got this tank very cheap. I had 10 gallons of water yesterday, and this morning, it leaked and the tank was pretty much empty when i got up. Im going to use alot of teflon, because the fitting is pretty tight, but you can bend the fitting a little and it will slide right out if you know what i mean


04-03-2008, 03:17 PM
the female part on the tank looks pretty beat...may be stripped out if the fitting pulls out if you wiggle it...I would tape it and run a bead of silicone on the threads also to seal and secure it


04-03-2008, 03:28 PM
So tape the outlet and i'll silicone both male and female

Great dog...i got one looks just like yours

04-03-2008, 03:38 PM
So tape the outlet and i'll silicone both male and female

Great dog...i got one looks just like yours

yes that may work...your female on the tank looks shot...lol...

Thats my male....I have 3 Bully Pits...2 males and a female...all rescue dogs..from pup stage..great dogs..most loving dogs...


04-03-2008, 04:43 PM
go to your nearest hardware store and go to the plumbing section and find some pipe dope called "BLOCK" and you wont have a leak anymore

04-03-2008, 05:15 PM
go to your nearest hardware store and go to the plumbing section and find some pipe dope called "BLOCK" and you wont have a leak anymore

What is it exactly? I'll check it out. There's a do it best center across the street

04-03-2008, 07:06 PM
its a pipe thread sealant...its use to seal the threads to prevent leaks

04-04-2008, 02:12 AM
Well, the teflon tape alone did not work. It still leaked being i only taped the fitting

I'll get some block pipe dope on fri and see how that works. I was told to replace the brass fitting for a plastic one? I dont see how it would make it better? I know that if i adjust the hose, it will tweak the fitting out of place and start leaking

04-04-2008, 08:15 AM
well it sounds like the female fitting on the tank is shot if the fitting inside it moves and leaks..its no longer a tight fit...

you can try this stuff also....its called Plumbers Goop...

3.7Oz Plumbing Goop (http://www.thegreathardwarestore.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=588509&click=2744)

also another trick may be get a fitting with a longer thread so it goes in further and the longer threaded area may stop it from tweaking from side to side....yours looks to be 3/4 of a inch..try one thats 1 1/2" long...also see if you can get a fitting with a lip on it so when you tighten it in the lip will but up tight to the tank fitting..that will prevent it from wiggleing in the fitting on the tank...do not over tighten as the tank fitting looks shot (stripped) ...just snug it in


04-04-2008, 05:05 PM
So i got a plastic fitting to go into the tank with more thread (it is stripped). I brushed on some pipe dope on the male and female, hoping this holds. If not, i'll try christy's red hot glue. I'll find out tomorrow

You guys are great

Many thanks

04-07-2008, 04:39 PM
Tried the plastic fitting with some pipe dope, and still leaking but not as bad as before. If i went to a longer fitting, it would stop because the outlet is not that deep. It has a lip where it stops

Im gonna give the christy's glue a try, but then again there is another outlet on the side of the tank with a bolt in it. I may try that, but then i will need to plug up the previous hole