View Full Version : My experience w BF Ceramic Pro Black Edition

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10-16-2020, 08:20 PM
First, a little background. 6 months ago I got my C43. I polished and coated with CQuartz UK 3.0 and auto gliss 2.0. Outside of some clogging up during pollen season it performed amazing.

Fast forward to 2 weeks ago and my wife hit a curb and so I needed a new bumper. I got the car back from the bodyshop 2 days ago and it is swirled up like crazy. How disappointing. They offered to polish it but I declined. So yesterday i spent hours polishing the paint using my Rupes, mf pads and wolfgang total swirl remover. I beleive I have acheived about 90% correction. At the moment the car looks amazing.

i then used the BF paint prep to remove all polishing oils.

This evening I started applying BF Pro Black Edition. It is approximately 64 degrees in my garage. My experience so far has not been pleasant. The coating is extremely tacky/sticky. I coated my trunk lid first and waited about 5 min. Upon removal it was extremely difficult and actually began to cure to the point that I will have to repolish the trunk. Next, I tried the B pillars. This time I waited 3 minutes. Still very very sticky and takes a lot of effort to remove. So much so that if my feels like I am marring the paint.

Next I tried a front quarter panel. And waited only 1 minute. This time it removes much easier but still very sticky. The “sweating” or beading of the coating to let you know its ready to be wiped is not very apparent.

i’m going to go ahead and complete the coating tonight but this is definitely not a user friendly coating in my opinion. Hopefully in a day or two I get some slickness because if its going to feel like this for the duration I will have to remove.

I was so excited to order this coating during the last 25% off sale but honestly I’m disappointed . I prefer Polish Angel Viking Coat or Cquartz UK 3.0 and Gliss 2.0 over this any day.

If anyone has any recommendations or tips please post. I tried calling autogeek but it was after 5pm so couldn’t get any advice.

oh yes, my car is polar white so extremely difficult to provide pics.

10-16-2020, 08:29 PM
That sounds like a royal PITA, Will.

And not to tip the apple cart, but this is why I'm not into coatings.

The last thing I need to worry about on my DD truck after all the washing, decon, and polishing is the LSP being the biggest pain in my a$$.

All of you guys know me, and I'm not anti-coating. Just does not fit my needs at all. :)

10-16-2020, 08:43 PM
Thanks Paul. It is a PITA at the moment. I’ll update when I’m done and then again a few days later but man I’m wishing I would have gotten something else right now.

Bruno Soares
10-17-2020, 12:53 PM
Don’t you need to allow the freshly painted bumper some time before coating it?

I have no experience with the coating you mention but I had a not so good experience similar to what you described with McKee’s 37 v2 paint coating. Apparently it happened because the coating was partially cured in the bottle, even though it was new. The second time I thought about using it, it had turned into jelly.

After that I used Gyeon and CarPro coatings and those were so good I see no reason to try other brands. CarPro UK3 and Gliss v2 are incredible and aren’t expensive so that’s my choice for now.

10-17-2020, 05:06 PM
Don’t you need to allow the freshly painted bumper some time before coating it?

I have no experience with the coating you mention but I had a not so good experience similar to what you described with McKee’s 37 v2 paint coating. Apparently it happened because the coating was partially cured in the bottle, even though it was new. The second time I thought about using it, it had turned into jelly.

After that I used Gyeon and CarPro coatings and those were so good I see no reason to try other brands. CarPro UK3 and Gliss v2 are incredible and aren’t expensive so that’s my choice for now.

Hi Brian, You are likely right about allowing it time to cure before coating. That said, if the body shop was willing to polish it to get the swirls out then I felt it was ok for me to polish out the swirls.

I agree 100% about CarPro UK3 and Gliss v2. They are incredible and I guess i fell for the marketing hype of Black Fire Ceramic Pro Black Edition. That "sweating" of the product when it's ready to be wiped off made me thing it would be an easy coating to work with. Anyway, my C43 has a Black Edition Kit on it so I guess i'm a sucker for those, lol. Although the ladder of the Black Editions I do love.

So to provide an update - I went ahead and completed the coating last night and only let the product sit on my paint 1 - 1.5 minutes. For those remaining panels I coated them twice, following a second coat immediately after the first. While allowing the product to sit for about a minute did make the removal process easier, I still feel it was way more difficult than it should have been.

This morning, i inspected the car and it does look glossy. Still tacky though. I'm hoping that characteristic disappears in a few days. I'll also wash the car in a week and see how hydrophobic it seems to me. if it doesn't perform to my expectation I may remove and just repolish the entire car and maybe put on a sealant for the winter and worry about it next spring. Just seems like a big waste of time for me. Thanks for chiming in.

Bruno Soares
10-17-2020, 06:32 PM
Polishing right after painting is fine. What you can’t do is seal the paint before it cures, the solvents need to escape. So it’s normal for a body shop to sand/compound/polish but they’ll even tell you to not wax/seal for 30 to 60 days. I’m thinking a coating is even better at sealing and could give you some issues. Hopefully nothing will happen.

10-17-2020, 07:08 PM
The swirls were likely from the body shop cleaning up wet sanding marks in which they use a rotary with a wool pad but don't go any farther than that.

If it was mine I would not seal it and let the paint gas out for a month. If the swirls bother you, correct them but leave it bare.

Even tho the paint feels dry to the touch it is still "soft" and likely the cause of some of your issues.

The Guz
10-17-2020, 07:25 PM
Ask your painted how long before you can add a wax, sealant or coating. Sometimes the paint can be coated within a few days. It all comes down to the body shop. Worst case you are polishing off what you just put on. But as mentioned a fresh paint job can be polished.

10-17-2020, 08:17 PM
Yep, paint needs some time to outgas. I was talking online with someone who said even paints that are baked need some time to outgas.

10-17-2020, 10:22 PM
The swirls were likely from the body shop cleaning up wet sanding marks in which they use a rotary with a wool pad but don't go any farther than that.

If it was mine I would not seal it and let the paint gas out for a month. If the swirls bother you, correct them but leave it bare.

Even tho the paint feels dry to the touch it is still "soft" and likely the cause of some of your issues.

Hello. The only part that was painted was the front bumper. The issues w the coating started way before that on the trunk lid. And continued around the rest of the car.

I agree about letting the front bumper cure a little longer. The reason I didn’t wait longer for the front bumper paint to cure is because its getting cold here in the north east and the coating wont apply well once it gets cold. I may just polish it off and leave it alone.

In either case, 90% of the car has original factory paint and has experienced my issue w the coating.

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The Guz
10-18-2020, 12:30 AM
It is possible the temp and humidity played a factor. Perhaps all you needed was to let it sit for 30 second if it was difficult the longer you let it sit. The other thing is you could have received a bad batch of product.

10-18-2020, 01:08 AM
This sounds like the experience I have with Mckees Headlight coating now that it’s old. I added some IPA to it and it’s better but still not performing like new. I assume the BF bottle top was sealed properly when it arrived.

I also purchased this due to the price being too good to pass up recently. I wanted something to put on my parent’s car for the wi yet but won’t see them until November, so now I’m slightly concerned about what the temperature in my garage will be, and concerned due to your experience.

10-18-2020, 02:52 AM
So you applied Cquartz UK to the whole car 6 months ago and you’ve just started applying and new coating to the whole car after only a wash. Do I have that right?

Was the bumper easier to coat than the trunk lid by any chance?

10-18-2020, 12:43 PM
Hi Wristy. Thats right. I did remove the previous coating before applying the new. The bumper was no different than the rest of the car.

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10-18-2020, 12:50 PM
It is possible the temp and humidity played a factor. Perhaps all you needed was to let it sit for 30 second if it was difficult the longer you let it sit. The other thing is you could have received a bad batch of product.

Its possible that maybe it doesn’t need such a long working time. However that kills the benefit of being able to do a whole panel at once. Thats one of the reasons I picked this coating.

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