View Full Version : Brand new car

09-14-2020, 08:58 AM
So I got a new car a week ago. Washed it a few days ago and found these spots that will not go away. I've tried vinegar,water spot remover from chemical guys, mequiars 3 in 1.

Are these water spots and am k
I responsible or the dealership?

Here's a photo of them

What are these on my hood? - Album on Imgur (http://imgur.com/gallery/hd5ng5h)

Mike Phillips
09-14-2020, 10:57 AM
First, because this is your first post,

Welcome to AutogeekOnline! :welcome:

Just a few hours ago I found and approved your pending account.

Now to you pictures,



And your questions,

So I got a new car a week ago. Washed it a few days ago and found these spots that will not go away. I've tried vinegar,water spot remover from chemical guys, mequiars 3 in 1.

Are these water spots and am k
I responsible or the dealership?

Here's a photo of them

Were the spots there when you bought the car? They look to be VERY APPARENT? I seems like if they were on the car in the parking lot of the dealership you would have seen them?

If not - then from what I've seen in my life, it looks like you parked under a tree when it rained and the gunk or sap on the tree leaves mixed with rain water and landed on your car?

Just a guess....


09-14-2020, 11:02 AM
From what I remember no the car did not look like this. It's kind of hard to see unless daylight or flashlight. Usually I park it in the garage but I did take it to the beach where it was Dewey overnight. I washed it a day or two after that. Can leaving the car with dew/mist overnight then driving it home for 4 hours cause these permanent marks?

Also I did park under what looked to be a palm tree for that night so maybe you are correct.

Mike Phillips
09-14-2020, 11:03 AM
So I got a new car a week ago. Washed it a few days ago and found these spots that will not go away.

I've tried vinegar,

The old wives tale that will never go away.... :dunno: but here's yet another testimony sharing that it does not work. (for those that find this thread via Google in the future)

Using Vinegar to remove water spots (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-frequently-asked-questions/52347-using-vinegar-remove-water-spots.html)

water spot remover from chemical guys,

mequiars 3 in 1.

I don't know anything about the CG Water Spot Remover, is it a chemical dissolver? OR some kind of abrasive product?

AS for the Meguiar's 3-in-1, this is a cleaner/wax, I used it a few weeks ago in one of our LIVE Detailing Class videos. While it does work, I did find it to be on the LIGHT side of defect removal for a one-step cleaner/wax. Nothing wrong with this as it makes it very safe for Joe Consumer and it IS in their Consumer Line.

Here's the deal - if the above didn't work - chances are you're going to need a quality compound and apply it by machine.

Before doing this - maybe to back to the dealership and see what they say. IF it is their fault or their problem - normally once you start working on it - it becomes your problem.


Mike Phillips
09-14-2020, 11:05 AM

Here's two more articles I've written that are topical to this thread,

Considerations for removing paint defects - the BIG PICTURE (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fy9r27ol5)

I wrote this one recently and boy do I share it a LOT!

What's in the water? (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-to-articles-by-mike-phillips/126292-whats-water.html)


09-14-2020, 11:08 AM
Alright thanks for the help. I will be taking it to the dealership to see what they say. Im probably on the hook for it of course. If that doesn't work could you recommend a machine polisher for beginners that might help get rid of these spots?

Also as for the cg waterspot remover it claims to be chemical reaction and requires a wash after to be "deactivated"

Bill D
09-14-2020, 11:27 AM
Hmm that cg product sounds like what one does with Valugard ABC you gotta wash with regular car wash (C) to deactivate A and B

Mike Phillips
09-14-2020, 01:09 PM
Can leaving the car with dew/mist overnight then driving it home for 4 hours cause these permanent marks?

I/we get so many questions on "water spots" that I wrote an article to take the focus off the spots and put it where it should be... the water. As in,

What's in the water!

Also I did park under what looked to be a palm tree for that night so maybe you are correct.

That's what the picture looks like the way water and all the gunk off of a tree lands on your car and spots it when it rains.

Alright thanks for the help. I will be taking it to the dealership to see what they say. Im probably on the hook for it of course.

Be forwarded - most people in the know - won't let a dealership detail their car. By this I mean, I and others will not let a dealership WASH the car and certainly we won't let them machine polish it.

If you were to let them detail it and by the word detail I mean take a machine to it - I would what to see,,

1: The machine.
2: the product.
3: The pad.

Dealerships have the worst reputation for swirling out cars. And yes they do this to FIX problems like yours.

If that doesn't work could you recommend a machine polisher for beginners that might help get rid of these spots?

See video 22 here,

Complete List of Live Broadcast Videos on YouTube - Yancy Martinez & Mike Phillips (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-mike-phillips-your-detailing-questions-/126420-complete-list-live-broadcast-videos-youtube-yancy-martinez-mike-phillips.html)


Me Time
09-15-2020, 09:24 PM
Welcome to a wide world of info.

I think the big thing will be the time that has gone by. Unless it is a really great dealership, I have an idea they are going to throw it back to you.

With that being said, I grew up on a rotary. So when I was ready to move into a DA quite a few years later, I had it narrowed down to a Porter Cable and a Gen 2 Griots polisher. I went with the Griots and love it. But you can't go wrong with either one. The Porter Cable has been around a lot longer. I think a lot of companies first DA polishers were just rebranded Porter Cables. But Griots machines are very well built also. And they have just recently re-did their 3" and 6" models. So they have improved on their older models.

More importantly watch some of Mike's videos that are related to the subject. Or some others that can be found on youtube. But, try and make sure that it is someone that has done it for a while. There are way to many people that need to quit making videos for youtube, and not just about detailing.