View Full Version : Wow did we forget 9/11

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weekend warrior
09-11-2020, 04:16 PM
I been searching the forum today....and I have not notice anyone talking about 9/11....we can't forget what happen...they came here and drove the planes in the... pentagon ...and Twin towers... thousands of people died...many hero's..our police our firemen...who risked there live to save people...LOL I am worried about water spots on my car..what a shame....I am older than most of you...I believe in america...I believe in freedom...remember All Lives Matter....one more thing if you are not happy in America leave

Klasse Act
09-11-2020, 04:25 PM
Don't forget Shanksville too[emoji779] Noone will ever forget but between the virus, tensions in our country and 2 "choices" for president (please...don't start any sh#t with me) it's easy to see why there isn't alot out there here. That said, it doesn't mean it hasn't crossed our minds today.

I'll never forget everything from that day...EVER[emoji631]

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Bill D
09-11-2020, 04:26 PM
Indeed, *All* Lives Matter

Klasse Act
09-11-2020, 04:31 PM
Indeed, *All* Lives MatterAlthough I agree with the statement without a doubt let's stay on point here with the theme of this post. If we don't it will get ugly fast, like mask talk, gun talk, borderwall talk, etc. Today is about the 3000 plus people, sans the POS terrorists, who died 19 yrs ago today...its all about THEM[emoji779][emoji631]

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weekend warrior
09-11-2020, 04:38 PM
Klasse it seems you want to get ugly....all I am saying the truth...

weekend warrior
09-11-2020, 04:41 PM
Biil ....all lives matter is so true...it doesn't matter what color we are...

Bruno Soares
09-11-2020, 04:51 PM
This is a detailing forum. Just because it wasn’t brought up earlier, doesn’t mean we forgot about it. I usually leave the non-detailing stuff for Facebook.

Big Dave
09-11-2020, 04:54 PM
Speaking as an outsider, changing the first word descriptor seems, in some cases, designed to antagonise those who are, let's say, on the other side. How about just removing that word and saying

"Lives Matter".

Because they do.

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09-11-2020, 04:54 PM
As a New Yorker, there is ZERO chance that I will ever forget 9/11.

I drive through NYC about 3-4 times a month, and there is not one of those times that I don't look over to lower Manhattan and grieve the loss of those majestic towers, and the nearly 3,000 souls that lost their lives that day.

Klasse Act
09-11-2020, 05:01 PM
Klasse it seems you want to get ugly....all I am saying the truth...Make a separate thread for it then...the thread, does it or does it not, have to do with 9/11. Don't be an a$$hole about this, ok. I said I agreed...right!

People of ALL colors and religions died that day, all lives matter goes without saying on that day...AGREED[emoji848][emoji779]

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weekend warrior
09-11-2020, 05:01 PM
PaulMys I am a former New Yorker and I there's no way I can forget...thanks for your reply

09-11-2020, 05:07 PM
Klasse it seems you want to get ugly....all I am saying the truth...

I didn't get that from Roger's post at all.

And, I completely agree with him.

The 9/11 remembrance, and this "______" Lives Matter crap are two entirely different things. JMO.

09-11-2020, 05:34 PM
I been searching the forum today....and I have not notice anyone talking about 9/11....we can't forget what happen...they came here and drove the planes in the... pentagon ...and Twin towers... thousands of people died...many hero's..our police our firemen...who risked there live to save people...LOL I am worried about water spots on my car..what a shame....I am older than most of you...I believe in america...I believe in freedom...remember All Lives Matter....one more thing if you are happy in America leave

Agree on most all accounts, including the last couple which really are summed up today in the irony that the posts didn't surface earlier. America as a whole hasn't forgotten but many of the younger ones under 30 don't seem to care as much it seems. That said, the groups of low life anarchists getting "air time" on the news and making the noise are just that, getting air time even though they are by far in the minority of people in our country that for some reason seem to want to tear it down. Those people I'll politely call "swirls" here as it is a detailing forum, do need compounded and polished out of our society and removed from the UNITED part of America because they clearly are not united with the rest of us.

Let's let today mark the beginning of the end of those foolish ones that are trying to bring division among us. No real American is for in-equality or injustice so let's all agree that if we stand tall for our flag that we can agree on that point.

Let's also not let the Domestic Terrorist Behaviors of a said small groups hijack the cause of fixing what injustices do exist and hide their true anarchist intent and clear actions and behaviors hide behind a catchy name that they really don't stand up for and forsake the centuries of good our country has stood for and built. Put that crap to an end and NEVER FORGET what it is we as AMERICANS Stand for and died for that day back in 2001. I have plenty of family in NYC and a strong tie to the city myself and what makes America Great is what many of us saw happen the moment the dust began to settle that day.....true unity among people of all races, creeds and colors, etc. that day moving forward. We built a strong sense of country and pride through those actions. Let's once again build that pride and keep those actions uniting us within our souls. That is unity and love for each other and for country is what we should fight to never forget as that is what those that perished that day would want for us.

God Bless the USA and in the immortal word of my lost friend from back in days I was in the technology space "Let's Roll"

09-11-2020, 05:39 PM
I usually fire up my old copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 Pro Edition and take a flight to NY. It prominently features the Twin Towers and offers a glimpse of the good 'ol days.

09-11-2020, 05:57 PM

I think of all the people who sacrificed to help save lives. Some made it, some didn’t. We will never know all the great people but they are hero’s.