View Full Version : iron x spray

09-04-2020, 04:02 PM
I know this spray smell got better and before it was like rotten eggs. Anyways, I'm trying to detail my x3 2019 bmw and I believe it is hard paint so some harder pads needed to polish but wondering if I wash the car then iron x then claybar then do waterless wash. Then do iron x again with new bottle would this make it more squeaky clean. I didn't do much polish and only used quick wax meguiars during this time so wanna get out all the junk before doing my first polish. It was in the garage always though which helps with all the elements.

09-04-2020, 04:11 PM
My recommendation---

1. Iron-x first. On dirty car.
2. Then wash car with soapy water to remove dirt and iron-x.
3. With fresh soapy water---Clay bar with soapy water.
4. Rinse off and dry car.
5. Hit it with a polish...


09-04-2020, 04:14 PM
I take lot of time with claybar like want much junk possible. Is claybar suppose to not take long? Just wondering i focus on each panel and time and think the soap wash will dry by the time i go to few panels later lol

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09-04-2020, 04:29 PM
Do soapy water/clay towel one panel at time.

I can breeze through a clay towel and soapy water on whole car in 20 minutes...


09-04-2020, 04:32 PM
This is if you have a clay towel...!

If only clay bar then get rinseless wash or megs quick detailer or window glass cleaner. And you should get in bag in half hour or so. Don't sweat it too much and don't spend too much time on this step either.


Bruno Soares
09-04-2020, 06:13 PM
Do the baggie test. Rubbing a clay bar for a long time when not needed is just going to mar the paint further and with hard paint that’s more work to fix with polishing.
Iron-X claims less stink but it’s still the worst thing one can smell, do not do it inside! Wash the car outside or your garage will stink during the entire detailing.

09-04-2020, 06:17 PM
Iron X cherry smells like a perm on steroids

09-04-2020, 07:39 PM
Iron X cherry smells like a perm on steroids

But, it's new and improved!!

09-04-2020, 07:56 PM
I've always believed in this when it comes to products like Iron Removers, bathroom cleaners, marine bottom paints, or industrial adhesives:

The worse it smells, the better it works.

There is no "perfuming" certain products that do dirty jobs.

No matter how many "It's SO stinky" reviewers may inconvenienced by them. :)

09-05-2020, 07:10 AM
I know this spray smell got better and before it was like rotten eggs. Anyways, I'm trying to detail my x3 2019 bmw and I believe it is hard paint so some harder pads needed to polish but wondering if I wash the car then iron x then claybar then do waterless wash. Then do iron x again with new bottle would this make it more squeaky clean. I didn't do much polish and only used quick wax meguiars during this time so wanna get out all the junk before doing my first polish. It was in the garage always though which helps with all the elements.

My steps are that I was the vehicle first. This gets off all the initial dirt and allows the Iron-X to have more direct contact with the paint and thus the intended contaminants. By the time I'm done washing there's enough water off the car that what's left isn't going to impact the product in terms of diluting it. Let it dwell and bleed purple as intended. I personally then follow up with a quick soapy water wipe down before rinsing as the remaining bits of material will come off easier if they aren't already completely removed by the chemical. From there it's safe to do a physical decontamination.

Just my process.