View Full Version : Just purchased a UDM and have a question

03-31-2008, 06:57 PM
So I've pretty much read as much as I can but I have one question that I can't find the answer to. Once your polish is finished or broken down are you supposed to wipe down the area before using another pad + product or can you just start the next application.


1. Start with a compound + orange pad
2. Then polish + white pad
3. Then sealant + red pad

Am I supposed to wipe down the car with a microfiber after each step?

03-31-2008, 09:07 PM
Yes. You should be removing product residue with an mf after each panel. The polish will/should be broken down, but lubricant and spent abrasives will remain and should be removed.

This way you can see your work. Some people like to use a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and distilled water after the initial wipe down to be sure that lubricant residue isn't obscuring any marrs. They also like the isa/h2o after the final polish to remove residual polish and improve bonding of lsp.

Another important reason to wipe down with an mf after each panel: it will help you to learn the product better. If you are using too much or working it too long you will see differences in the way it wipes off. I am new to this, too, and this part has taught me a lot about how to use the polish correctly. [Also, different products work differently in terms of work time, etc... you will need to spend time with each one and pay attention to the variables.]

You should definitely be wiping off residue before your lsp. There will be bonding issues if you don't. You don't necessarily need to use the isa/h2o solution--people who don't say they don't notice bonding problems. But that has a lot to do with what they are using in the first place. Endless combinations and techniques... From research, and my own limited experience, I think an AIO is the best choice to follow up your polishing steps. There are a couple of excellent posts around here somewhere about this very issue.

Sorry for the long winded reply.

03-31-2008, 10:40 PM
House of Bunny hit the nail on the head I'll just touch on this statement

Some people like to use a 50/50 mix of isopropyl alcohol and distilled water after the initial wipe down to be sure that lubricant residue isn't obscuring any marrs.
(to be a lil more clear) To make sure there are no left over lubricant that may be filling in the scratch/marring giving you the impression it's been removed completely. Good job HOB on the explanation.

04-01-2008, 11:11 AM
Yea thanks for the great explanation. Answered my question perfectly.

04-01-2008, 12:19 PM
this is what the forum is designed for ... quick information . Kudos to each of you !!!