View Full Version : Mike I am stumped Mobile Paint guy came and now I have to correct his paint job....

09-02-2020, 05:55 PM
There is this client that paid a mobile paint guy to come paint his rear drivers side fender.... for $200 on his Aston Martin What was left over was some sharp rough specs on his fender and he wanted me to correct it all off.. I used an heavy cutting pad and some meguiars correction compound with the cordless beast (direct drive) NOTHING worked!! Do you know how I could get those sharp pieces of paint off without messing the fender up more than it is now? Picture can't show it messed up but the owner feels like everyday and asked me to come out again. ANY IDEAS ??? Thanks Mike!

09-02-2020, 06:00 PM
???? Hate mobile paint guys! Cheap work---doubt you can correct without wet sanding.

And owns an Aston Martin? What was he thinking? If you can afford that car---body shop is far the best way to go!

I don't get it sometimes....


09-02-2020, 06:35 PM
Oh boy. That probably needs to be wetsanded. I would make sure that if you try to do this the owner knows up front this might not end up being perfect. If he's ok with that then proceed.

Always start less aggressive. I would try wetsanding with 3m Trizact foam on a Random Orbit polisher. Try 8000 grit first and maybe drop down to 5000 if that doesn't work. Hard to know how thick the paint is without a paint thickness gauge. I don't think I'd do anything more aggressive if that doesn't work.

Mike Phillips
09-03-2020, 08:36 AM
There is this client that paid a mobile paint guy to come paint his rear drivers side fender.... for $200 on his Aston Martin

What was left over was some sharp rough specs on his fender and he wanted me to correct it all off..

I used an heavy cutting pad and some meguiars correction compound with the cordless beast (direct drive) NOTHING worked!!

Do you know how I could get those sharp pieces of paint off without messing the fender up more than it is now?

I feel your pain -Bill Clinton

I feel your paint -Mike Phillips

First - I feel you paint, errr I mean your paint. :) You're frustrated trying to fix a problem created by some other guy. Kind of the norm for us detailers.

Second - read my article below - somethings cannot be fixed easily, safely or profitably. Read and learn and then practice.

The learned skill of turning detailing work down by Mike Phillips (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fzpu7pw6)

Then like other's have stated, the way to "try" would be to lightly sand with some SUPER HIGH QUALITY sand paper or sanding disc.

I'd recommend Nikken #2500 or 3M Trizact #3000 and "yes" both can be used by HAND.

And "yes" we sell both here at Autogeek.

Meguiars 2500 Grit Sand Paper, Unigrit 2500 sandpaper (https://www.autogeek.net/2500-grit-sandpaper.html)

3M Trizact 6 Inch 3000 Grit Performance Sanding Disc 01459, 3M sanding discs, 3M sanding pads (https://www.autogeek.net/3m-sanding-disc-01459.html)

But in the real-world, I wold have told the owner of the Aston-Martin to take it back to the painter and make him fix it. And after he screws it up let the owner of the Austin-Martin take it to a reputable painter to have the fender color-matched and repainted.
