View Full Version : 3 questions about use of Ultima Waterless Wash Plus

08-26-2020, 09:22 PM
I know Ultima makes a dedicated interior product, but is there any reason I couldn't/shouldn't use UWW+ on my interior? Since the 'leather' seats are probably plastic coated anyway. Also, on soft touch door panels and dash. Since it's a cleaner and UV protectant.

Also, as many others I like Duragloss Aquawax. But both AW and UWW+ can be used as drying aids and both claim UV protectant. Both AW and UWW+ both seem to add slickness and some layer of protection. I usually use WW+ after a California duster (it's real easy to keep clean in the dry Arizona), but since AW is adding more protection/sealant properties can I ditch the WW+ or is that preferred as a wipe down due to it's lubricity?

FWIW, I wash my cars every 2 or 3 weeks with a Turtle Wax Ice every 3 months or so. As I mentioned, while Arizona has extreme summers, it very seldom rains, so other than dust (which wipes off easily) the cars stay pretty clean.

Also, would the newer Acrylic WW+ now replace my WW+ and the AW.

Your thoughts on these 3 products - meant to be a discussion of 'your favorite spray product', just how to use these.


dennis b
08-27-2020, 06:34 AM
I'll address your question about using Ultima WW+ on the interior. It won't hurt anything but I wouldn't. I use Ultima WW on the exterior of my car as a drying aid. On one occasion I used the same drying towel I used to dry the car and wiped down my steering wheel. It made the steering wheel very slippery. I had to use my normal Zymol leather cleaner to get back the tactile feel that I was used to. It probably would be fine to use the UWW+ on door panels and the dash but I wouldn't use it on seats or the steering wheel unless you want a slippery feel to them. I don't want to slide around in my seats when I take a turn.