View Full Version : Can CarPro's leather coating be applied over Gtechniq's leather guard?

07-15-2020, 08:06 AM
3 month's ago I picked up a new car and treated all the leather components with Gtechniq's leather guard (3 coats)... Recently I treated a few other cars with CarPro's leather coating. It may be in my head, but I am really impressed with CarPro's leather coating and the ease of application. Any reason to believe that after 3 months the Gtechniq would still be active (strong enough) to prevent the CarPro from properly bonding? Car has as an expensive leather upgrade that seems delicate so I would like to avoid stripping it with anything...

The Guz
07-15-2020, 09:40 AM
3 month's ago I picked up a new car and treated all the leather components with Gtechniq's leather guard (3 coats)... Recently I treated a few other cars with CarPro's leather coating. It may be in my head, but I am really impressed with CarPro's leather coating and the ease of application. Any reason to believe that after 3 months the Gtechniq would still be active (strong enough) to prevent the CarPro from properly bonding? Car has as an expensive leather upgrade that seems delicate so I would like to avoid stripping it with anything...

Like everything else prep is key. I would recommend the leather to be cleaned to make sure all of the leather guard is removed. Then follow the application directions of the leather coating.

07-15-2020, 10:00 AM
Thanks! Here is my concern... What would be strong enough to remove what is left of the leather guard, but not harsh enough to harm the leather?

The Guz
07-15-2020, 11:37 AM
Any leather clear will do the job. What do you have in your arsenal for leather cleaner?

07-15-2020, 12:55 PM
Hiding out at the vacation home so some Gtechniq Tri Cleaner and Detailers Pride Interior Cleaner, but Autogeek is only a day or two delivery if you think I am better off with something else! I am a little paranoid lol, I took what was on the lot but the leather option on this thing was steep! With 2,000 easy miles of wind pants, nylon shorts and t-shirts its already showing some break in/ wear...We very rarely need to drive her in it, but I have a soon to be 4 year old lol...Her idea of clean is interesting to say the least lol...

The Guz
07-15-2020, 01:49 PM
Use the Gtechniq cleaner and go from there. It does not take much effort to remove whatever may still be there.

07-15-2020, 02:14 PM
Thanks for all the help!

07-15-2020, 11:04 PM
Interestingly Gtechniq's technical support says their tri cleaner will not strip leather guard and I will need to use a fairly abrasive cleaner. They however did bot elaborate on what to use...Honestly after applying it, I can't see it being that strong... I am wondering it a solution of 80/20 water to alcohol would work? Maybe I will just wait a few more months... Car sits in 95 degree sun all day so I am guessing it has some sort of impact on leather guards lifespan too...

The Guz
07-16-2020, 01:54 AM
Take this for what it is worth. Most leather products will be worn away with abrasion. So the more the seats are used the more abrasion they see. If a seat is not used then that product will last a lot longer. These leather coatings last longer and handle abrasion better than a leather sealant like leather guard or a leather conditioner.

Rubbing a microfiber and some cleaner is abrading the surface if one thinks about it. It is not an aggressive form of abrasion. If I am reading your post right you applied it 3 months ago. It would be fair to say its about gone on the areas that see daily use. Adding more coats does not necessarily increase durability.

Take an eye dropper and put some water on the surface. If the water behavior is similar to the photo (gyeon's instagram) on the left hand side then the protection has worn down. Gyeon Leather Shield is similar to cquartz leather but you will see the surface become hydrophobic to repel liquids.

https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/27579511_222837498288817_7430862307678224384_n.jpg ?_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=101&_nc_ohc=j4eBOLaRH08AX8Bf2I0&oh=ea4915c06b7211888c9218ca3322b2fd&oe=5F399871

I have not used the Gtechniq cleaner so I am not sure how it cleans or how strong it is. I use this product from Meguiar's which can remove Gyeon Leather Coat which is a leather sealant like Gtecniq Leather Guard. Especially after it has been on the surface for a few months.

Meguiars D181 Leather Cleaner (https://www.autogeek.net/meguiars-d181-leather-cleaner.html)

07-16-2020, 06:48 AM
I would actually suggest the Gyeon Strong Leather cleaner and a good brush. Not too hard, not too soft. GTechniq's chemical bond is actually pretty strong. It may not appear like it but it is. Before a leather coating, I actually use a strong leather cleaner with a brush on a porter cable prior to coatings. And I do suggest a a few wipes with a terrycloth towel and water. Microfiber is too soft, a terry towel will get rid of any residue that maybe left from the cleaner.

07-16-2020, 03:38 PM
Thanks! I gave it the water test, and well its certainly still doing something, just not sure it is protecting much as it tended to initially bead right up but than be semi absorbed, pretty sure if I hadn't wiped it off quickly it would of spotted... I have about 2 more weeks here in the Florida heat. While I would love something to do I may just wait till I home and have access to a cooler garage and a full line of supplies before tackling it...

Mike Phillips
07-20-2020, 09:57 AM
Take this for what it is worth. Most leather products will be worn away with abrasion. So the more the seats are used the more abrasion they see.

If a seat is not used then that product will last a lot longer.

I could not have said the above any better.

Here's the BIG PICTURE

Do NOT look for a product that claims to last forever. It's simply not going to happen - especially for the DRIVER'S SEAT.

Instead - look for a product YOU LIKE and develop the discipline to use it often. For example - for the driver's seat, clean and reapply once a month. If you do this, your seat will always look great and feel great.

These leather coatings last longer and handle abrasion better than a leather sealant like leather guard or a leather conditioner.

I agree with this too. And - leads back to find something that is quick, simple and easy to RE-APPLY.


07-20-2020, 06:12 PM
Neither has been overly hard to apply, I started with Gtechniq's based of Mike's reviews and it was everything he indicated...

Cquartz was slightly more time consuming, but nothing that couldn't be done every few weeks if need be, without hassle...

It mostly in my head, as I haven't had either product on my cars for very long, just seems life the Cquartz has a more protective type of feel to it...