View Full Version : Mike Phillips is right...

07-05-2020, 11:52 AM
I’ve been really enjoying my Rupes MK III 15. Soooo smooooth when using Rupes pads! I decided to take my 3401 out of hibernation for my 1-step detail today. When Mike says the 3401 will POWER through a detail, he is absolutely right. No need to focus on pad stall, just polish. When using my 15, I have to switch tools a decent amount of time(3” and 1” polishers). The Flex will take care of areas where I would use a 3” random orbital, and even *some* 1” areas(use pad edge). The time savings using the Flex is definitely noticeable! HOWEVER, the 3401 WILL require much more energy and tire you out faster. No doubt about it. I can still cut more cut and get a better finish(generally speaking) with a 15 or 21 on a flat panel, but on anything non flat, the 3401 for sure. The 3401 on flat panels is no slouch, don’t get me wrong. I’m in the middle of the detail now, but had to stop and post this...lol. I’m working on an Alpha Romeo Stevlio. Paint has minor defects, but they’re not coming out easily. Paint is definitely on the harder side.

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07-05-2020, 01:13 PM
Can’t wait to someday own a BEAST. I don’t know any better about the ability of 15 or 21s on a flat panel, so what I don’t won’t hurt me. The GG6 gets the flat panels done for me, just probably more effort. It’s those curves and bends that can prevent me from a perfect finish (or what I consider perfect).

Sounds like the Flex would help quite a bit where I need it. Thanks for sharing!.

Bruno Soares
07-05-2020, 01:28 PM
I considered getting one yesterday. But I currently only care for my car which is freshly corrected and coated so it will be a while before I can use any polisher and rarely would I need that much power on a car that is properly maintained. My G15 and G8 should be fine for what I do :)

Sizzle Chest
07-05-2020, 01:50 PM
I just did the same thing today! One stepper w/the Beast!

Dr Oldz
07-05-2020, 02:05 PM
Agree. I’m a fan of The Beast! Mine is cooling down now. Used it on current detail.