View Full Version : Cleaning Black Wheels in a SSS 2019.

The Doctor detailer
05-27-2020, 12:10 PM
Having black wheels ................ well itīs a challenge to keep them clean. :laughing:

This are the dirty wheels of my Suzuki Swift Sport 2019. :wowwow:

I want to show the process I use for cleaning them.


I use some products from the Meguiars Detailer Line.


I use the following products:

D101 Meguiar's All Purpose Cleaner.
D108 Meguiar's Super Degreaser.
D1801 Meguiar's Wheel & Paint Iron DECON.
D140 Meguiar's wheel Brightener.
D170 Meguiar's Hyper Dressing.
G7516 Meguiar's Endurance Tire Gel, G15415 Meguiar's Endurance Tire Dressing (Aerosol).

First I use the pressure washer to remove all the dirt possible. This time I only used Wheel Brightener, no need for the iron remover this time.


I use different types of brushes for the wheel spokes, arches and tires. I even use and old toothbrush


You can clean the wheel arches with Superdegraser or All Purpose cleaner depending on the dirt you have. Agitate the product with a good brush. This is important preparation for the plastic protectant.


I use the Speed Master wheel brush for cleaning the inside of the wheel and is very handy for tight spaces.


I use All purpose cleaner for the tire when itīs not very dirty. Agitate with a stiff bristle brush until you see white foam.


For the wheel arches I use Hyper dressing diluted 4:1 for the "like new" look.


Now the wheel arches are clean but they donīt look black. They need dressing to complete the effect and look like new.


Apply deliberately and distribute with a foam applicator if needed.


Looks better.


Now to dry the wheel with a waffle weave microfiber. And to remove any overspray.


like shiny tires so I used Endurance Tire Spray. This version doesn't exist anymore. Distribute the product with a tire foam applicator.


Nearly finished. 3 more to go.






Final result with a coat of Ultimate wax. This is very important because it will make subsequent cleaning easier.


Mike Phillips
05-27-2020, 02:34 PM
Freaking amazing before and after.

Nice photography and step-by-step outline.

Thanks for sharing!


Dr Oldz
05-27-2020, 02:41 PM
Awesome job.

May suggest I a touchless Sio2 sealant for easier “waxing” and better
self cleaning with durability better than a typical wax or sealant.

Here’s one version. A few companies make this type of product now.

BLACKFIRE HydroSeal Concentrate 8 oz. (https://www.autogeek.net/blackfire-hydroseal-concentrate-8.html)

Sizzle Chest
05-27-2020, 06:18 PM
Write up/pictures were nicely done!

The Doctor detailer
05-28-2020, 11:22 AM
Thanks Mike. This is my first post since my times at MOL in 2008.

The Doctor detailer
05-28-2020, 11:27 AM
Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I need something that is sprayed on the wheels for time saving.

The Doctor detailer
05-28-2020, 11:28 AM
Thanks for looking.

The Doctor detailer
05-28-2020, 11:33 AM

This is my car.


05-28-2020, 02:40 PM
Love it! Awesome job and really cool car.

05-28-2020, 07:54 PM
Wow, great job and nice car

Sent from my iPhone using Autogeekonline mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=87407)

05-29-2020, 10:12 AM
Excellent results.

I was a MOL user as well. Welcome.

Mike Phillips
05-29-2020, 11:25 AM
Thanks Mike. This is my first post since my times at MOL in 2008.

Copy that.... I had a good run with Meguiar's and the MOL forum.
