View Full Version : Storing Iron Decon

04-24-2020, 06:50 PM
Never really used Iron Decon before. I've always just relied on clay. However i recently decided to pick a gallon of Meguiars D1801 Iron Decon up to give it a proper prep before doing a paint correction. Sort of wishing i hadn't now. The stink is pretty bad. Just wondering where you guys store your Iron decon ? I typically store my gallon jugs inside the home, cos it gets so hot in the garage. I live in Florida so the heat can get pretty high in the garage.

Also do the vapors from the bottle attack any metals around where it's stored over time ? I used to keep my pool chemicals, as in Chlorine and Muratic Acid in the garage, til it started rusting everything out around it. Just wondering if Iron Decon will attack / corrode if i leave it in my garage storage. Which are all Craftsman metal storage cabinets. I'm guessing probably no, and chlorine and muratic acid is a 1000x more corrosive, but iron decon is designed to dissolve metals in clear coat, so i'm not putting it out of the equation.

Anyway looking for some storage idea's. House is a no-go, and i don't want my garage to stink like a crapper !

Bruno Soares
04-24-2020, 07:07 PM
I can’t answer your question. I always buy a 16oz bottle at a time to use the whole thing in one car and throw it out. The smell will make its way out of the bottle. I’d not recommend storing it inside but there may be problems storing it outside in the heat. Let’s see if someone knows.

04-24-2020, 07:08 PM
The bottle should have the storage temperature to follow. Those numbers could give the an idea where to store safely

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04-24-2020, 07:11 PM
I can’t answer your question. I always buy a 16oz bottle at a time to use the whole thing in one car and throw it out. The smell will make its way out of the bottle. I’d not recommend storing it inside but there may be problems storing it outside in the heat. Let’s see if someone knows.

This is what I do, the stuff is nasty.

04-24-2020, 10:22 PM
I can’t answer your question. I always buy a 16oz bottle at a time to use the whole thing in one car and throw it out. The smell will make its way out of the bottle. I’d not recommend storing it inside but there may be problems storing it outside in the heat. Let’s see if someone knows.

Yeah in hindsight i should of probably done this and stressed less about it all. I have three cars I maintain, funny enough one of them being a gti mk7 same color as yours lol. i could use up maybe a qrt of a gallon on those three, then i probably won't need any for a year or two and for the sake of a few bucks may just get rid of it. It was either get a 16oz for however much or this 128oz for just over $50. I knew i may have a storage problem due to smell, but being a cheap ass, i thought for only an extra however much, why not get more than you'll ever need! doh. Which is fine, as i do that for all my other detailing products for the most part. But those i can store in the home and not worry about the stench of rotten eggs.

I may get an opsak bag... example of one here. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ccj3wl5BB60)

04-25-2020, 01:01 AM
For Iron-x, like others I’ve only had it on hand in volumes 1 liter or less.

I’ve kept it in the house, but have sealed it up in a gallon ziplock. Before putting it in there, I’d remove the sprayer and reinstall the shipping cap it came with. The sprayer I would flush out with water really well and seal in the bag as well.

Before doing this, one time I Had a bottle get knocked over the the locker room at work once (of course it leaked a bunch), people thought something died in there...

04-25-2020, 01:51 PM
I got the problem fixed. I just got a big Opsak bag, and am able to now store it inside the house. These bags completely contain the smell of rotten eggs. Even giving it a good sniff from an inch away. These bags are not just your ordinary zip loc bags. These are intended for food while camping and guaranteed to not allow any scent out as to not attract bears. It's happily stored away with the rest of my 1gallon detailing jugs.

For the sprayer, i just poured back what i didn't use, and completely flushed it out. But it still smells a little. I may pitch it, for the sake of $3. I'll give it a couple of days to see if the smell subsides.


04-25-2020, 02:30 PM
Good find, looks like the right bag for the job.

Why not just keep the sprayer in the bag too?

04-25-2020, 03:44 PM
Good find, looks like the right bag for the job.

Why not just keep the sprayer in the bag too?

No particular reason. I got the sprayer its own dedicated bag, but decided, i won't be using this stuff often enough, so save the bag, pour what i didn't use back in the main jug, and just wash it out for next time.