View Full Version : Florida Essential Business

04-04-2020, 12:23 PM
What’s the situation with detailing in Florida under the stay-at-home order? Is detailing considered essential

Specifically, we go to people’s homes and do the work. Limiting interaction with customers with them paying online or over the phone. And we’re using disinfectants and sanitizers, masks and gloves.

House cleaners are deemed essential and I would compare us to landscape crews with working outside and not interacting with the public. So I think we’re ok but wonder what you’re hearing out there?

There’s a couple things I think could apply to us from the order :

• Any employees whose business is interacting with customers solely through electronic or telephonic means and delivering products via mailing, shipping, or delivery services.

• Workers providing personal and household goods repair and maintenance.
• Workers providing disinfection services, for all essential facilities and modes of transportation, and supporting the sanitation of all food manufacturing processes and operations from wholesale to retail.

• Automotive repair, maintenance, and transportation equipment manufacturing and distribution facilities (including those who repair and maintain electric vehicle charging stations).

Mike Phillips
04-04-2020, 01:24 PM
My friend Shawn, who has a brick & mortar detail shop was shut down for the Coronavirus as non-essential.

He's in the Hollywood, Florida area.


04-04-2020, 05:04 PM
How does this affect AutoGeek, Mike?

Mike Phillips
04-05-2020, 07:51 AM
How does this affect AutoGeek, Mike?

I would have to defer to Meghan on this for the most recent status.

My last day in the office was last Tuesday then I transitioned to work-from-home.

Just being uber cautious as we have an incident of the virus in the area we life. Found out last Tuesday and we have had zero contact with these people. We live next to the intercoastal waterway so it's fairly open air and usually a good coastal breeze, point being, to whatever level the Coronavirus is air-borne, we're pretty sure we have not been exposed. We also wear gloves to do things like take trash and recyclable to the trash dumpsters and recycle bins as there is a gate latch that everyone "touches".

I know Florida instituted some form of stay-at-home policy but I'm not exactly sure how it affects Autogeek. If Meghan sees this I'm sure she'll chime in.

I know Yancy and I are going to start some online video content this week. So stay tuned...
