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03-31-2020, 01:21 PM
My next door neighbor who is a very disgruntled man, decided to ask our other neighbor, a very nice woman with a garage queen red Cadillac if he could help her by detailing the car.

Anyways, disgruntled neighbor thinks that by doing favors for people that it makes up for him being a miserable person. I was once fooled by him as well.

I was able to catch what he’s doing a few times today while I was doing my own yard work. He’s using Mothers Cleaner Wax for the LSP. He’s also wiping it off with the same towel he’s wiped off everything (He’s got this same ugly terry cloth towel he uses on his own cars for everything).

The worst part, however, is that he was using a kitchen sponge (think Soft Scrub) sprayed with some foaming cleaner from a metal aerosol can to clean the bottom panels. He lightly went around the car wiping away with the green, abrasive part of the sponge. Oh my! With the spray and sponge he looked like a guy cleaning a bathroom.

I feel so bad for the woman. I’ve told her passively I would do her car for her (she sees me doing my thing all the time), but I think she’s too nice to ask. So this big lump instead initiates it and is swirling (and probably worse on lower panels) her prized Cadillac up.

By the way, he also knows this is my obsession and I’ve caught him looking at me throughout the day when I’m outside, almost like “ha, I stole your dream job”. Well... if she’s smart enough, maybe this will be my dream job soon: fixing his neighbor-installed-swirls. I feel bad either way. Here he with his one towel dragging against the wheel while he buffs.


Bill D
03-31-2020, 01:33 PM
Please save that Cadillac! This reminds me of the time I ran over to a former across-the-street neighbor and helped her dry her car with my “good towels” instead of the old rags she was using.

03-31-2020, 02:51 PM
Don’t let Ric, Eldorado2K see this...

03-31-2020, 03:54 PM
What’s the matter with that guy? He must be stopped immediately!

03-31-2020, 03:57 PM
My next door neighbor who is a
very disgruntled man, decided
to ask our other neighbor, a very nice
woman with a garage queen red Cadillac
if he could help her by detailing the car.

Anyways, disgruntled neighbor thinks that
by doing favors for people that it makes up
for him being a miserable person.
I was once fooled by him as well.

I was able to catch what he’s doing a few times
today while I was doing my own yard work.

He’s using Mothers Cleaner Wax for the LSP.

He’s also wiping it off with the same towel
he’s wiped off everything (He’s got this same
ugly terry cloth towel he uses on his own cars
for everything).

The worst part, however, is that he was using
a kitchen sponge (think Soft Scrub) sprayed
with some foaming cleaner from a metal aerosol
can to clean the bottom panels. He lightly went
around the car wiping away with the green,
abrasive part of the sponge.
Oh my! With the spray and sponge he looked
like a guy cleaning a bathroom.

I feel so bad for the woman. I’ve told her passively
I would do her car for her (she sees me doing my
thing all the time), but I think she’s too nice to ask.

So this big lump instead initiates it and is swirling
(and probably worse on lower panels) her prized
Cadillac up.

By the way, he also knows this is my obsession
and I’ve caught him looking at me throughout
the day when I’m outside, almost like “ha, I
stole your dream job”.

if she’s smart enough, maybe this will be
my dream job soon: fixing his neighbor-

I feel bad either way.

Here he with his one towel dragging
against the wheel while he buffs.



”Heat not a furnace,
for your foe so hot:
That it do singe yourself”.

~Shakespeare (Henry VIII; Act 1, Scene 1)



03-31-2020, 04:55 PM
What an idiot.

This is just me, but I would walk up and explain just how bad he is damaging the paint.

He's already disgruntled. Lol

03-31-2020, 05:20 PM

”Heat not a furnace,
for your foe so hot:
That it do singe yourself”.

~Shakespeare (Henry VIII; Act 1, Scene 1)


Wow, Bob. I wish you could have warned him of this quote. This is the singe to himself after what he’s done to my family. You’re 6 months too late from me warning him.

03-31-2020, 05:21 PM
What an idiot.

This is just me, but I would walk up and explain just how bad he is damaging the paint.

He's already disgruntled. Lol
I would LOVE to explain, trust me... but we’re not on speaking terms since last year.

03-31-2020, 05:25 PM
I would LOVE to explain, trust me... but we’re not on speaking terms since last year.

Even better!! :laughing::laughing::laughing::righton:

03-31-2020, 06:15 PM
Even with his good deeds, it doesn't sound like he is going to be re-gruntled anytime soon.

03-31-2020, 06:22 PM
......is going to be re-gruntled anytime soon.


03-31-2020, 06:45 PM
Well... if she’s smart enough, maybe this will be my dream job soon: fixing his neighbor-installed-swirls.

I wouldn't go anywhere near that Cadillac now. The "very nice woman" may change if she eventually discovers the damage to her paint, and if you've never touched it, you can't be blamed.

04-02-2020, 04:48 AM
I would LOVE to explain, trust me... but we’re not on speaking terms since last year.

Can we asked what happened? I want to dislike disgruntled neighbor even more![emoji23][emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-02-2020, 06:04 AM
He, his wife, his daughter (who doesn’t live there but IS there constantly) and her two young children walked through my backyard to talk to my other side next door neighbors for 7 years. They never asked, just did it from the time we moved in (and owners before us didn’t get along with them either so not like they were friends who set a precedence). We never complained to them, even though I would get startled seeing humans walk past my glass sliding doors all summer.

Then about a year ago they had a dying dog due to a tick bite and the hideous daughter who doesn’t live there told my wife and son to please not walk on their property to come see the dog because it was a tough time for them. Note: we never let my son go fully on their property but he would run towards it and step foot on the outskirts when he saw the dog.

Then finally, one day my son charged toward and got to the middle of their backyard when my wife was picking something up in our yard. The disgruntled neighbor drunkenly screamed at them about liability. The next 3 months while we awaited a fence to be put up, their new dog (they’ve had 2 dogs die in the 8 years I lived here, this is the 3rd) took dumps all over my backyard because they have never taken any of their dogs for walks and they don’t enforce any boundary rules for them.

Yet the whole family looked like they were mourning the day the fence guys came in and put up the best $5000 investment money can buy. All because they would now need to walk the grandchildren through the street to get to the neighbors house from that point forward. A lot of effort for sure.

Thanks, that was therapeutic.

04-02-2020, 12:20 PM
I hope you electrified that fence.

Jesus, what a total D-bag that guy is.