View Full Version : Mold/ Mildew on Exterior Rubber and Plastic

03-29-2020, 11:51 AM
So my daughter’s 2017 Civic doesn’t get washed very often, only every 3-6 months, when she’s home visiting from college. This is in hot and humid South Florida, but at least she has covered parking for most of the time, so sun damage is minimized. The door trim guards quickly developed mold and I am seeing it now in the rain channels in the roof. It seems to be more than just on the surface so a simple wipe with a cleaner is not sufficient.

I’m reaching out to members here for ideas and solutions.

What causes this? What can I do to clean it without using harsh chemicals that can damage the paint etc.? How do I prevent future growth and reoccurrence of this mold?

The mold on the rain channels is actually a bit worse than the pictures show. Now that I’m essentially housebound, I’ve got some time to put into the finer points of amateur detailing. Thanks in advance!




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