View Full Version : Hybrid Solutions - Polish & Wax - pics

Don M
03-26-2020, 07:14 PM
Teaser pics, write up to follow ....




03-26-2020, 08:27 PM
Lookin good! Did u follow up with the spray coating?

Don M
03-26-2020, 09:45 PM
No, I wanted to wait for the 24 hour cure time

03-27-2020, 09:48 AM
Yes sir. Wait till you try the spray coating! I will be using the WET WAX this weekend as a drying aid to maintain the coating.

Don M
03-27-2020, 05:57 PM
I finally had a chance to use the Ceramic Polish & Wax today. I will say that there is a learning curve and it's VERY easy to apply too much when using a DA polisher.

Turtle Wax states to use "3 to 4, dime sized drops" on the polisher pad ... DON'T DO IT!!!! This is WAY too much, I used pea-sized drops and even that led to over application. I have heard of spritzing water on the panel to aid in removal, well I don't have distilled water, so I used the TW Ceramic 3 in 1 Detailer - more on that later.

So getting started, I washed & dried the car. Then I originally used a Meguiar's thin tan polishing pad, but the buffer was too unstable with the soft pad, so I switched to a maroon cutting pad. With the slow cut of the P&W, this worked well & wasn't too aggressive. I used 4 pea sized drops and got started on the roof. Now my roof and hood are repaints and as such, they are more difficult to work because EVERYTHING smears or has clouding issues.

I started going a panel at a time, but that got annoying so after the hood and roof, I would do a whole side of the car before removal. I'll admit, I really didn't take my time as I should have because I work nights now and since the weather here in Ohio isn't cooperating and I had just gotten home from work and needed to sleep. If I had taken my time and spread out the polish better, removal might not have been as bad (NOT THAT IT WAS DIFFICULT, just different than what I'm used to).

Anyhow, application is straight-forward (one you figure out how little to use) and easy, this stuff WILL SPREAD ... a little goes a LONG way. There were times where it didn't look like I was applying anything, it looked like I was just smearing a light film around, but even that little amount of product worked well removing imperfections.

As for removal, it is a little grabby when you first start to remove it (especially without spritzing water or the QD) but it gets easier. I decided to use the HS 3 in 1 as a spritz to help remove the P&W. I did help a great deal in removing the polish but I have to wonder if this might have adversely affected the P&W because hours later when I went to work, it was raining and there were a few spots that didn't bead water as well as the rest of the car. The same thing happened today (20 or so hours after application) when I washed the car again to apply the Spray Sealant, there were a few areas (primarily the tops of the rear quarters) that didn't bead well during the rinse.

So in short, I believe there is a learning curve with the Polish & Wax. It's just so different from anything I've used before. It's not a dry polish which wipes away easily but with dust, and it's more than an oily polish that leaves smears. *I* think that I simply applied it way too heavy in spite of my efforts to apply it sparingly.

Long story short, I like it. The correction ability was more than acceptable and it did significantly darken the black paint. I think given a few more experiences with it, it will get easier to use.

Now on to the Ceramic Spray ...

As mentioned this morning I washed the car after having it rained on and driven through the rain. Then I started applying the Spray Coating. My bottle has a very fine mist and two sprays per panel/section were not enough (IMO) to lay down enough product to cover the panel, So I used 3 - 4 ... even at that it took very little to cover the whole car. Now as mentioned my hood and roof are repaints, so I did get more streaking (particularly on the hood) BUT...if Seal N Shine smearing rates a "10" then the smearing I got from the Spray Coating is about a "3.5" and as per the directions, wiping down the panel with a dampened microfiber eliminates about 90% of what little smearing there was.

The Spray Coating application & removal was pretty anticlimactic and "dull." No surprises. It even darkened the paint a bit more over what the Polish & Wax did.

All in all, I'm happy with my purchase and can easily see myself using the Hybrid Solutions Line for the foreseeable future.


03-27-2020, 09:02 PM
My experience mimics yours, use little,work slow, and use the dampened towel. I was in my heated garage and at first I had removal issues then like you used less and less and it kinda melted into the paint, I actually may just used the damp towel method on every compound/polish step that I do. I had issues with the Ceramic spray streaking to,again the dampened towel to the rescue. Truck looks darker and is very glossy hopefully it’ll last awhile

03-27-2020, 09:06 PM
It’s rainy here so no outside shots but I threw one in of my assistant

04-05-2020, 02:09 PM
I just did my Audi S4. Was rough from winter. Came out great. Ceramic Polish and Wax cuts very nice with Rupes 21 Bigfoot iii. Very pleased with Polish.

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04-05-2020, 02:28 PM
Wait till you guys try the WET WAX!

04-05-2020, 02:32 PM
Wait till you guys try the WET WAX!

I will keep it in mind. Didn’t buy did. Have the Wash and Wax to try.

I will end up costing my car later this year. Have come Carpro UK ready to go on it but need to fix some rock chips and a few other things first.

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