View Full Version : Need help, Optimum glosscoat

03-16-2020, 09:12 AM
I decided to pull the trigger on optimum gloss coat. Not having a lot of experience I was pretty nervous, but I did my research. Washed with onr, iron decon, clay, paint prep, compound, polish, paint prep again to remove oils. Checked the weather, I’ve been working outside (no garage) on my 2016 silverado. No rain for the next 24 hours so I think I’m good to go ahead. Application went smoothly, ended up having issues with the syringe, might be user error. Ended up using roughly 15cc to coat the paint. The next day I woke up and there was a nice layer of dew on my truck, I freaked out and grabbed my meguiars ceramic detailer and used it as a drying aid as I didn’t have the forethought to buy optiseal. Was this a mistake? Should I have just dried it off, or will I be ok, I figured MCD is the closest thing I have to optiseal and wanted to protect my work thus far. Thanks in advance

tldr I applied gloss coat and it rained within 24 hours. I applied meguiars ceramic detailer over the top as a drying aid and to supplement optiseal, was this a mistake?

The Guz
03-16-2020, 10:54 AM
How many hours did it have until it saw dew? You won't know until the detailer wears off if Gloss Coat is ok. You should be able to tell after a 2-3 washes. It should be ok.

03-16-2020, 12:08 PM
How many hours did it have until it saw dew? You won't know until the detailer wears off if Gloss Coat is ok. You should be able to tell after a 2-3 washes. It should be ok.

roughly 10-12 hours after application

The Guz
03-16-2020, 07:34 PM
Should be ok.

03-16-2020, 07:41 PM
I decided to pull the trigger on optimum gloss coat. Not having a lot of experience I was pretty nervous, but I did my research. Washed with onr, iron decon, clay, paint prep, compound, polish, paint prep again to remove oils. Checked the weather, I’ve been working outside (no garage) on my 2016 silverado. No rain for the next 24 hours so I think I’m good to go ahead. Application went smoothly, ended up having issues with the syringe, might be user error. Ended up using roughly 15cc to coat the paint. The next day I woke up and there was a nice layer of dew on my truck, I freaked out and grabbed my meguiars ceramic detailer and used it as a drying aid as I didn’t have the forethought to buy optiseal. Was this a mistake? Should I have just dried it off, or will I be ok, I figured MCD is the closest thing I have to optiseal and wanted to protect my work thus far. Thanks in advance

tldr I applied gloss coat and it rained within 24 hours. I applied meguiars ceramic detailer over the top as a drying aid and to supplement optiseal, was this a mistake?

had same thing happen several times and never had a problem. Go coating to start with if you try coatings again CQUK is a beauty and has great water action that doesn’t fade