View Full Version : Poorboys Trim Restorer Method

03-22-2008, 02:09 PM
OK not a new product, but something I've been using for a while. I finally got around to taking some pictures and showing my method that has worked great at restoring, not just covering, faded trim. It's a pictorial demo so here is the page:

Poorboy's Trim Restorer (http://paintcare-n-detailing.com/review/pb_trim/)

The method works very well and lasts.

Here is the before and after:




After 5 weeks, no dressing and 4 washes - still nice and black:



03-22-2008, 02:56 PM
Seems to work well with other vehicles, but no luck on Fords. Mountaineer, F150, F350, I cannot get it to last more then a few days. I use AA Gel and can go weeks and weeks with a fresh black look. Ford uses something in their trim that seems to reject a lot of products. B/C TR worked fine for me on other vehicles.

03-22-2008, 03:30 PM
Seems to work well with other vehicles, but no luck on Fords. Mountaineer, F150, F350, I cannot get it to last more then a few days. I use AA Gel and can go weeks and weeks with a fresh black look. Ford uses something in their trim that seems to reject a lot of products. B/C TR worked fine for me on other vehicles.

That is interesting, even working TR in to remove the discoloration, it came back that quickly?

I've had that happen when I just apply TR and let it soak in, but not when I work it in...but I haven't tried it on a Ford though. Time to look through the neighborhood for a Ford to test on.:buffing:

03-22-2008, 04:32 PM
I did a Ford F-350 last summer with the famous Ford Fade...I had trim restorer on hand...i used it before with so so results meaning it streaked in the rain and after a few washes it showed the fade...

So on the F-350 i tried a new method...I applied it rubbed it in and then hit it with a hair dryer on medium heat and seen it soak right in ...did about 4 applications this way...results looked great...rubbed it all again and washed the truck....Now about 1 month later my buddy come over to go fishing..I look at the trim..just about looked like nothing was done..back to dull and gray showing again...

I then bought some Black WOW and cleaned the trim with a magic eraser..and a wipe down of prep sol...let it sit a bit to have the prep sol flash off....then did the BW...rubbed it in twice....buffed it off..washed the truck...applied a polymer trim product over the BW to lock it in...to this day it looks like it was just done..done in Sept I believe...

TR did not work on the Ford trim..like surfer said..its some crazy type plastic....


03-22-2008, 04:53 PM
That is interesting, even working TR in to remove the discoloration, it came back that quickly?

I've had that happen when I just apply TR and let it soak in, but not when I work it in...but I haven't tried it on a Ford though. Time to look through the neighborhood for a Ford to test on.:buffing:Yeh Ford uses something in their trims b/c you'll see others say the same thing (not just for TR but other products). I would do layer and buff, add another layer and buff and work in, and would still go away after a few days. For whatever reason AA tire gel worked best for me on Ford trim, still buff it so it doesn't sit on and run in the rain.

I'm going to try Black Wow and see how it works with Ford trim, especially the wiper cowls

03-22-2008, 05:22 PM
Thanks for the info guys...I hadn't used it on a Ford trim so that is good to know. I'll put a disclaimer on the demo about this.


Thanks again,