View Full Version : Best to Leave Rocket Building to the Pros ...

02-23-2020, 09:10 PM
So some brainiac named "Mad Mike" decided to build a rocket to launch himself, in order to see if the Earth is really flat (like he thought it was) ?

This turned out more like "Built by ACME" instead of "Built by NASA".

Reminds me of Evel's Snake River Canyon jump when his parachute also deployed early.


02-23-2020, 09:19 PM
So some brainiac named "Mad Mike" decided to build a rocket to launch himself, in order to see if the Earth is really flat (like he thought it was) ?

This turned out more like "Built by ACME" instead of "Built by NASA".

Reminds me of Evel's Snake River Canyon jump when his parachute also deployed early.


If I chip in for his tombstone, can I have the phrase "Told you I was stupid" engraved somewhere prominent?

02-23-2020, 09:47 PM

02-25-2020, 01:27 PM
The flat earth thing from Mike was a marketing ploy. He was just an inventor. Good enough to build and launch a rocket, not good enough to avoid tragedy.

02-25-2020, 03:19 PM
The flat earth thing from Mike was a marketing ploy.

^^^That’s a possibility.^^^

A few of ”Mad Mike’s” axioms:

•That a ”Warp” in time/space can faithfully
represent gravity’s effect on the human body

•A person can only tie the low altitude record.

•There is at least one area of Terra Firma
that is (now) pretty-much flat.

•Russia, Russia, Russia?!?!
