View Full Version : Car Pro Dlux - still ok to use with this date on it

02-08-2020, 11:13 AM
I found an unopened bottle of Dlux with a date of 2016 on the box. Been stored in a cool garage cabinet. Still ok to use or trash?

Bruno Soares
02-08-2020, 11:30 AM
If it’s liquid and not hazy I’d give it a shot.

02-08-2020, 01:51 PM
Curious to know if its still good. Give us a shout.

02-08-2020, 05:26 PM
One time I recall, and will share some basic info, I had a good amount of CQuartz UK left which was expired quite a bit.

One opened and half gone, I think a 30ml, and another 50ml unopened. Used them both on my 6x12 cargo trailer.

I tried the fenders first, and tried using it in a traditional method, spread and then come behind and wipe right after. Nope, no good. It spread fine with the MF Suede Applicators with Block Sponge, but wouldn't tolerate the after-wiping.

So, I skipped the final wipe. Here the product leveled just fine, looked OK, I wasn't striving for show car results on a 14 year old Trailer, just good protection. I achieved that.

With this said, and if you should find it not working well on some small test areas for a vehicle, then instead of tossing such an expensive product, use it for other around the house uses,

Lawnmowers, the kid's Bikes, ATV, etc.

There's been personal instances (twice) with DLX where I found it didn't like to be wiped after either. Just apply on prepped surfaces, and then maybe don't touch after to level-smooth.

02-09-2020, 09:20 AM
It was still clear. I used it as a topper for solution finish on bumper trim and other plastic on 2 Toyota trucks. Also used it on the headlights on both trucks after I polished them. It was a little tacky and I chose to do quick wipe application on the headlights without touching them after. I just let it cure without wiping residue off. Seemed to come out pretty good. I guess time will tell as to durability but looks good right now. Still have almost 1/2 bottle left, gotta find more stuff to use it on before it goes south.

Bruno Soares
02-09-2020, 06:28 PM
Dlux is always tacky, even when fresh :)